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Fun Facts with Co-Founder and CEO, Neil Swindale Fun Facts with Co-Founder and CEO, Neil Swindale

Written by Katie Waxman on September 23, 2024

Katie Waxman / September 23, 2024

We recently sat down with our co-founder and CEO of VendCentral, Neil Swindale, to share his story. Through the years, Neil’s positive attitude and vision reflect everything we do today to help our customers and grow our dynamic team.

Neil’s Early Days

Neil grew up in New Zealand until he was about 19 and then came to the U.S. on a basketball scholarship. “Today, a lot of kids from New Zealand come to America to play basketball, but I was one of the first five to ever come. So, it was kind of a big deal. Everyone thought I was Larry Bird!” Neil laughs.

He played four years of college basketball in the U.S. During that time, he met an American girl, got married, and then they moved back to New Zealand for about eight years, while he was still playing basketball professionally in New Zealand.

Neil Childhood

In his basketball days, playing as 6′ 6” small forward on various New Zealand semi pro teams and occasionally the New Zealand National team, Neil realized his skill set was versatile. “I wasn’t great at anything. But I was pretty good at most things. I could bring the ball up if the guys needed help. I could shoot threes, I could rebound or play deep, which is funny because it’s sort of what I do now at VendCentral. I bump around and do a whole bunch of stuff.”

Neil moved back to America in his 30s as a young father with two kids. “I never had a job before so I was like, what am I going to do? And, boom, my first job was with Coca-Cola in the vending industry. That was 27 years ago and I’ve never left. The vending industry is all I know.”

With the sales job at Coca-Cola, Neil also realized his knack for sales. “I was good at talking to people. And that all came from basketball.” He says he didn’t realize that all the intangible skills he learned playing sports would translate over to running a business.

He worked for Coca-Cola for about two years as a sales rep to vending companies in the Bay Area, taking orders and helping them with any problems and making sure they all were taken care of. It was then that he became intrigued by the vending world.

“I feel like everyone became my friends. I fell in love with small businesses, and in my whole career, that hasn’t changed. I loved calling on the vending guys.”

Neil went from a Coca-Cola sales rep of the Bay Area, to a position with Pepsi Frito-Lay for northern California for 5.5 years, to a position with Nestle Waters for the entire western United States for another 6 years – still calling on the vending companies and loving the relationships formed along his many routes.

He also started his own small vending company called Pacific Refreshments as a side hustle. “I started putting vending machines around town, and it did very well. I absolutely loved being out in my truck, filling machines, and talking to customers.”

Neil was the first vending company in the Bay Area to build a website for his business, and it was then he asked himself a question: “What if I could become the website guru for the whole vending industry?” He sold his vending company and started building websites for his friends who owned vending companies.

“It started with these one-off websites, and then it parlayed out into full online strategies and social media on an ongoing monthly marketing basis. And here we are today with over 500 websites built!”

Entrepreneurial Eagle Eye

Neil admits he has had a flurry of ideas over the years particularly in New Zealand between seasons as a professional basketball player to keep a few dollars coming in. For example, he started a New Zealand version of the Harlem Globetrotters. “I had a fun basketball team called the Lunchtime All-Stars. And all of us professional basketball players that were available that day would go to the high schools and elementary schools and put on a one-hour basketball show. And it was us professionals versus the high school kids in a showcase with music, mascots, free gifts, and T-shirts, the works!”

Another venture he had, while working for an egg company, he saw an opportunity where he could do a side hustle on the weekend. So, he started buying pallets of small eggs and then selling them at the flea market on the weekends. “Whenever I see an opportunity, I jump on it!” Neil laughs.

His favorite job in his early days? Working as a bellhop after he graduated from high school at a hotel in New Zealand. “I would park their car and take their luggage to the room, and I loved it. I got to talk to a hundred different people every day.”

He also reflects back and adds, “I’ve had some crappy jobs along the way, and I still loved them. I think that’s a theme now that I’m coming up on 60 years old. I can look back and say wow, everything I do, I just loved doing it. And that translates to today. I’ve always had an eagle entrepreneurial eye. And, no matter what I do, I love it.”

Neil Hiking

He adds, “For me, it’s more resilience and hustle, and I’ve surrounded myself with quite a few bright people these days, and it makes things easier. Now, I can just go and do what I do and then let the brains take over!”

Unwind and Relax

In his spare time, Neil’s favorite way to unwind is hiking. “I like to ‘go into the bush’ because it’s so peaceful, and I can relax.” His favorite places have been hiking trips to Iceland as well as New Zealand. At least a few times a week, he enjoys local spots to hike – to be out in nature.

Neil also enjoys weightlifting regularly. “I think it keeps your brain engaged, and I can do it while I take calls too!”

Family Is Key to Success

Family and friends are one of the keys to his success, Neil shares. “I believe that as you go through life, you’re going to have these big ups and downs, and occasionally life is going to deliver some issues. Having your family and friends there to help you navigate it is so important. A number of friends work within VendCentral. And my best friend from high school is Greg Elisara, co-owner of ZippyAssist. We have been best mates for more than 45 years.” And he values these long-time relationships.

Neil is also proud to have a couple family members on the VendCentral team as well – his son Zack Swindale and daughter-in-law Becca Swindale. His daughter Haley has also been on the VendCentral team.

Positivity and a Growing Dynamic Team

What makes a great team? Neil says, “We can’t go anywhere without an organized team behind us. We try to put a lot of emphasis on everyone – and having fun too. I’ve recognized my strengths and weaknesses, and I rely on our dynamic team. The culture of the company reflects back to our customers as well, and I love that they recognize this.”

He adds: “We want that really special relationship with our customers and the entire industry. And all that positivity, as they say, the universe attracts. That’s just a reflection of lots of years of being really positive. And that positivity means great opportunities are now happening for us.”

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How Videos on Your Vending Website Can Increase Audience Engagement How Videos on Your Vending Website Can Increase Audience Engagement

Written by Katie Waxman on August 13, 2024

Katie Waxman / August 13, 2024

It is vital to include different types of videos on your website. Having them will engage your audience and help draw in potential clients looking for vending services or breakroom refreshment solutions. They can view the videos to get to know you and your company better, which results in more sales.

What kind of video content is best for a vending or micro market operator? As experts in online vending marketing, VendCentral has found three types to be most effective at audience engagement. First is the introduction video, which tells a potential client all about you. The second is the install, whether it’s a micro market or specific new breakroom equipment. The third and final is a video that shares an organized, well-run warehouse.

Read on for an in-depth look at the three types of video. Then use them to engage your potential customers and stand out from your competition.

Introduction Videos

A great introduction video belongs on your home page. It features the owner, manager, or team members of your vending, micro market, or office coffee service company and tells your story. It should explain how the business started and what type of convenience services it offers. The point is to create a valuable, personal connection.

New Vending Equipment or Micro Market

When a new piece of vending equipment arrives, get your phone out and take a short video! Showcasing the latest vending and OCS technology will help you gain an edge. That way, potential customers will see how you are staying ahead.

Introduction Video | Marketing Solutions | Benefits of Video

Installing a new micro market or office pantry is also a great time to take a video. It can show off your new products, equipment, fixtures, shelving, and kiosks. Plus your experienced service technicians will shine. This will give potential clients a better idea of what your company offers. They will also be able to visualize a micro market at their office.

Videos Focused on Your Warehouse and Team

Let your current and potential customers go behind the scenes with a video of your warehouse. This is your chance to reveal an efficient, well-organized space. Show off any automated inventory management solutions or technology you use to fulfill orders. Talk about how it makes vending or micro market orders and delivery of products as error-free as possible. Include the warehouse team and route drivers in the video loading bins or vans. This will allow others to see first-hand the care and attention your team provides.

Partner with Experts in Marketing Videos

Videos can boost engagement. Work on recording these three types with just a smartphone and posting them online. Start with a video talking about your company. Then record a new installation. Third, showcase your warehouse and team. It’s a great way to let potential clients get to know you, so they choose you for all their breakroom service needs.

VendCentral can help you with everything you need – from video production to website development to social media. Our goal is to help you grow your company’s online presence. We can manage your website growth strategy, publish your videos on your website, and optimize your social media with engaging posts that spotlight your videos. Contact us to learn more!

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Be Your Company’s Spokesperson – Use These 4 Simple Tips! Be Your Company’s Spokesperson – Use These 4 Simple Tips!

Written by Katie Waxman on July 16, 2024

Katie Waxman / July 16, 2024

VendCentral Founder and Spokesperson: Neil Swindale

Is your company’s social media strategy important for your brand? Absolutely.  But your vending company’s brand should have a human face as well, ideally a spokesperson. If you are an owner-operator, your LinkedIn social media account can be a driving force behind your company’s online marketing success.  No one can build trust and relationships better for your company than you! If you are having a hard time getting started, remember these 4 simple tips.

Tip 1: Be Authentic

Your LinkedIn audience wants to see the real you and will connect with your stories.  Share the challenges you are overcoming.  Celebrate the wins (like that new micro-market install!).  Shout out appreciation for long-term employees and express gratitude for loyal customers. Or, explain how something in your personal life is influencing your professional life. No matter what you post, remember your social media platform should always showcase your professionalism and passion for your business.

Royal ReFresh Ryan Harrington Post

Royal ReFresh Ryan Harrington Post

Owner-operator Ryan Harrington shares news of Royal Refresh’s latest micro market install

Tip 2: Show Your Expertise

Whether you are adding insight to industry trends, showing excitement for new products, or displaying curiosity and anticipation for new technology, be sure to weigh in on the topics that matter to your industry and customers. It will all show your audience that you are staying in the know on the latest and greatest breakroom products and services. This will build trust and confidence in you AND your company’s brand.

Tip 3: Engage with your Community

Get on LinkedIn and see what other leaders in your community and industry are doing on their social media platforms.  Contribute through likes and comments.   It will grow the awareness of you and your company.  It will also promote goodwill that will inevitably return to you. Take note of how your audience becomes more engaged with your content through comments, shares, or even direct messages.

Tip 4: Build a Bridge

Finally, build a connection between your personal social media platform and your company’s social media platform.  Do this by commenting on your company’s posts and blogs.  Take it a step further by sharing your company’s social media content on your own personal platform and adding your point of view. As your company’s spokesperson, you should be its biggest cheerleader!  Invite your audience to take action, like following your company’s brand page or reaching out for advice on the latest breakroom products and equipment. This connection is an important part of successful social selling and brand growth.

Corporate Coffee Systems David Henchel Post

Corporate Coffee Systems David Henchel Post

CEO David Henchel applauds the Corporate Coffee Systems tech team

Getting social on LinkedIn can be intimidating.  But, don’t let your worry over making things look perfect prevent you from making it happen. If you create content that showcases your personality and drive to keep your customers happy you can’t go wrong.  Your content will be a perfect enhancement to your company’s social media marketing strategy.

VendCentral specializes in marketing programs with strong social selling strategies for Operators, Manufacturers, and Suppliers in the Refreshment Services Industry.  Contact us for a free consultation.

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Getting Started: VendCentral Marketing Programs Getting Started: VendCentral Marketing Programs

Written by Katie Waxman on June 11, 2024

Katie Waxman / June 11, 2024

Excitement is in the air as clients embark on one of our Marketing Programs. That’s because they are standing on the launchpad to their online success. Are you thinking about joining one of VendCentral’s Marketing Programs? Here is a look behind the scenes at what you’ll experience as a new monthly marketing client.

Laying the Foundation: Onboarding Like No Other

Right off the bat, we kick things into high gear with a comprehensive onboarding meeting. You’ll meet members of our team, including your dedicated Marketing Account Manager who will be your key partner for success. This initial pow-wow sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of your business’s DNA, from its rich history and unique culture to your exceptional offerings and competitive edge. Come prepared to share your story!

Branding: Your Secret Sauce

We’ll dive into your brand identity to ensure the content we create captures the essence of your business. This includes visual aspects like colors, logos, and fonts. But we don’t stop there – we’ll also delve into the intangible elements, like your company’s personality, communication style, and core values. This holistic approach ensures a cohesive experience for your audience.

Social Selling | Vending Services Branding | VendCentral Marketing Programs

Social Media: The Modern-Day Megaphone

While your website is in the works, we’ll set the stage for social media. Your social media platforms will be designed with beautiful custom graphics. We’ll also guide you through tips to optimize your platforms to captivate your online audience. Once your platforms are polished, we’ll publish a steady stream of engaging content on your behalf.

Your Marketing Account Manager: The Maestro

Your Marketing Account Manager orchestrates the symphony of your marketing initiatives. Through regular meetings, they’ll guide you in choosing the areas of focus that will propel your business to new heights. With their insight and strategic expertise, they’ll craft a content strategy that hits all the right notes, while keeping all projects on schedule.

The Showstopper: Your New Website

Prepare to be dazzled as we design and develop a website to help you shine brighter than the competition. Once it meets your approval, we’ll take it live, unleashing its full potential on the digital world. But we’re not done yet, we’ll also develop a website growth strategy and equip your site with a blogging platform, ensuring a steady stream of fresh, engaging content. And let’s not forget those all-important contact forms, making it a breeze for leads to connect with you.

Let’s GROW!

Now that the stage is set, it’s time for the real show to begin. With VendCentral, you’ll have an entire squad of strategists, writers, designers, and developers – all working tirelessly to elevate your brand. Content? We’ll create it in spades, keeping your online presence vibrant and on point.

But what truly sets us apart is the collaborative relationship we forge with our clients. We’re not just an agency; we’re a partner, united by our passion for this incredible industry and a drive to propel your business to new heights. Join us and experience the benefits of a Marketing Program for your business!

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Grow Your Vending Brand Through Company AND Personal Social Media Grow Your Vending Brand Through Company AND Personal Social Media

Written by Katie Waxman on May 14, 2024

Katie Waxman / May 14, 2024

Your vending company’s social media presence has never been more important. It can build brand awareness, reach new audiences, and help your company stay top-of-mind with existing customers. It promotes your vending services, products, and overall brand.

Businesses that maintain a strategic social media presence often have a competitive edge.

But, where does your personal social media account fit in?  And how can you use it to promote your vending brand?

Your personal social media accounts can play a large role in growing your brand – especially if you are an entrepreneur or thought leader in the vending industry.  Your personal social media platform can humanize your business and build genuine relationships with your audience.  It can also help differentiate you from competitors.

Here’s how to use your personal social media platform to promote your vending business:

Integrate your business and personal brand

Incorporate your vending company’s logo, services, and story into your personal profile.  Use your platform to showcase your experience and insight into the vending industry. A behind-the-scenes look into your company will help your audience connect with your brand. If you have a great entrepreneurial story behind your business, don’t be shy about sharing it!

Leverage your network

Your personal network is made up of some of your biggest cheerleaders.  Share your company’s posts to make them aware of the great things your business is doing. Add your own insights to create even more impact. Your network’s likes and comments will help further promote your brand.

Be sure to also watch what industry experts and colleagues are posting about.  Commenting on their posts will display your knowledge and interest in vending services and further promote your business.

Company Culture | Vending Services Marketing | Social Media Platforms

Showcase your company culture

We know you are passionate about your business and its success, so let it show! Use your personal platform to give special thanks to hard-working employees and showcase what they are doing to make a difference. If members of your team are giving back to their local community, shine a light on their service to others.  These posts will show your audience that you are a great company to work with AND work for.

A well-managed company social media presence is essential. But, by thoughtfully integrating your business into your personal social media platforms, you can create a powerful, social selling strategy to promote your vending brand.

VendCentral specializes in social media content creation for companies in the vending industry.  Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help grow your business.

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Digital Marketing Tools Your Vending Sales Team Will Thank You For Digital Marketing Tools Your Vending Sales Team Will Thank You For

Written by Katie Waxman on April 8, 2024

Katie Waxman / April 8, 2024

Strong digital marketing tools are important for your vending services business. They can also make your sales team far more effective. Digital marketing influences decision making and attracts and converts leads. That makes them well worth the investment.

Which digital marketing tools are most important for your sales team?  The shortlist is a website, content marketing, and online reviews. Let’s explain why:

3 Vital Digital Marketing Tools

1. A User-Friendly Website

A well-designed website can convert prospects into leads for your sales team. The best websites are SEO optimized to rank higher in search results. This makes it easier for prospects to find you. Once they reach your site, a first impression will either capture their interest or make them click elsewhere. Your website must be visually appealing and easy to navigate on desktops and smartphones. And, nothing turns potential clients off faster than a confusing or slow-to-load site.

Be sure your website is always up to date with the latest information about your products and services. That way it can also serve as a strong reference point for your sales team when they are engaging with a lead.  And be sure to highlight what makes your business unique and ahead of the competition! Tout your strengths and make it easy for your sales team to reinforce why leads should pick you over a competitor.

2. Engaging Content Marketing

It is often said that content is king. And it is indeed an essential digital marketing tool. To make sure your content supports your sales goals, you need a strategy. It helps ensure all content forms, from blogs to emails, will have an engaging message.

Through content, your sales team can engage prospects easily. They’ll also stay connected with existing customers and make them aware of upgrade opportunities. Publish and share content regularly to reinforce your company’s expertise. Keep readers in the know about trending products, services, and equipment. Use content to highlight seasonal promotions, build client trust, or start a dialogue. Creating content your sales team can access and share will help them network and grow sales.

Testimonials | Digital Marketing | Boost Sales

3. Online Reviews

Sales become easy when your current clients help build trust in your company. That is why online reviews and testimonials are so valuable. Asking your customers to provide a few kind words about your business goes a long way.

Google and Facebook are great places to gain reviews. Make it simple for happy customers to provide a review by sending them your review link. If you get verbal or emailed praise from a client, ask if you can share it on your website. The answer will most likely be yes!

Reviews are powerful influencers. When your company can show a standard of great service, your sales team will find closing deals is much easier. That’s the value of reviews.

Digital Marketing Tools Make Sales Easier

With the right digital marketing tools at your sales team’s fingertips, success becomes easier to achieve. Start with a user-friendly website and strong content marketing. Then make sure customers are singing your praises online. These are tools your sales force can rely on to find leads and close deals.

VendCentral has a toolbox filled with strong digital marketing materials to grow your vending business. Reach out today to gain leads and grow profits.

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Strong Landing Pages Make Your Vending Website Shine Strong Landing Pages Make Your Vending Website Shine

Written by Katie Waxman on March 18, 2024

Katie Waxman / March 18, 2024

Landing pages support and enhance your vending website. How? By diving deeper into the services you offer. The content on landing pages is targeted towards specific audiences and filled with SEO-boosting keywords. These pages are super useful for social media posts and emails too.

Understanding the benefits will help you maximize their power. Then, you can grow your vending website with pages that are designed to showcase your specific strengths and attract and convert leads. Here’s where to start:

Use Landing Pages for Targeted Messaging

Your vending website’s homepage gives a high-level view of your business and what it offers. In contrast, landing pages are more detailed and specific. For example, the benefits of installing a micro-market would make a great landing page. It’s focused on one topic, has a strong keyword for SEO, and is helpful to targeted clients.

The precise content helps convert viewers to clients by addressing specific questions and showing expertise around a particular topic. They also provide your sales team in the field with detailed support materials when they need them. Plus, regularly adding new pages lets your website stay fresh and relevant.

Sales Growth | Marketing | Customer Leads

Landing Pages are Rich in Keywords

Adding landing pages to your website can also improve SEO. Since these pages are more detailed, they are an ideal place to focus on the industry keywords often used in organic searches. This increases the chances of prospects finding your business when they are looking for vending services. Bonus tip: use a combination of keywords and local SEO to attract the right audience.

Share Pages Via Social Media and Email

Landing pages are a must in any marketing plan. They can be shared in the social media posts and email campaigns you create for certain audiences. When readers click, they arrive at a page filled with useful information specific to their needs. This increases the likelihood of converting them into a client.

Make your Website a Better Sales Tool

In closing, landing pages offer many benefits to your business online. They are a way to promote specific services, cater to targeted audiences, boost SEO, and convert leads. In addition, they keep your website up-to-date and appealing to readers. That makes these web pages a valuable part of your website growth plan.

For help with your vending website and comprehensive marketing services, contact VendCentral. We specialize in digital sales and marketing for clients in the refreshment services industry.

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Local SEO: How Vending Companies Can Make the Most of It Local SEO: How Vending Companies Can Make the Most of It

Written by Katie Waxman on February 20, 2024

Katie Waxman / February 20, 2024

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a term you’ve likely heard before. It can be quite helpful to vending businesses looking to grow their client base as it gets their name higher on internet search results. Local SEO is a more specific type of SEO. It lets a company boost its ranking in a specific geographical area. Vending companies that maximize local SEO stand a better chance of attracting the right local audience. This can ultimately lead to new clients and more sales.

How does local SEO work? Keep reading to find out the ins and outs of local SEO as well as how you can enhance yours.

Local SEO is Vital to Break Room Service Providers

Vending, micro-market, and office coffee service providers often cater to specific service areas. Therefore, they want to focus on SEO results for those geographic locations. This is where local SEO comes in. Tailoring your online content to maximize keywords that are hyper-focused on city names, local area nicknames, and other local jargon will help improve your local SEO.

While local keywords have always been important for vending website SEO, there is even more urgency now. Google reports that more people are using keywords like “near me” than ever before. In two years, that query has risen 200%. If your local SEO isn’t optimized, you could be missing out.

4 Tips to Improve Local SEO

Keywords | Search Engines | Ranking

1. Include Your Address

There are several ways to optimize your website for local search. The first is to include your address. Search engines use this to decide if you are “near” someone using the search term “near me.”

Some operators don’t want to include their company’s physical address for personal or privacy reasons. But the benefits outweigh the risk of a client dropping by. Besides, having an address makes your company look more professional and trustworthy.

2. Pair City Names and Services

A second way to boost local SEO is to use local keywords in your website text. This means including city names as often as logical. Be careful not to over-stuff your site.  This could actually have a negative effect and lower your ranking. The rule of thumb is if the text reads well, you should be okay with the number of keywords.

Tip: It’s best to pair local keywords with the names of services your customers are searching for. For example, write about your reliable “CITY vending machines” to help connect your company with those searching for vending machines in your “CITY”.

3. Add Local SEO to Blogs

Third, write blogs and publish them on your social media platforms. Blogs are a great way to add content that is recognized by search engines. Highlighting local search terms throughout your blogs will boost your rankings for these keywords.

Be sure your blog includes backlinks to your website too. When readers click on your blog’s backlinks they will go directly to your website and discover more relevant content for their local area.

4. Consider Multiple, Local Landing Pages

Finally, get in the mind of someone searching for your services. If they want vending in a certain city and click through to your website, will they see that city named? Will there at least be a nearby city or region that tells them you service their area? This is what the user expects.

Some vending operators have multiple locations that aren’t close to each other. In this case, the operator might want to have a different website landing page for each location. That way, each page can contain words with a local focus that makes sense to the person searching. You’ll get a better sales lead this way, too.

Don’t Forget a Google Business Listing

A Google Business Listing will benefit your local SEO. How? Google Business Listings display prominently on Google search.  Plus, Google uses it to understand where your company is located. This allows it to show your company in a list of appropriate results for a “near me” or “city” search.

Ensure your Google Business Listing is complete and promotes your company and its services. It should contain a clear description of your offerings. Be sure the hours of operation and physical address of your workplace are current. Remember, your address also boosts your local SEO. You will also want to include photos of your services and company in your listing. This will help you make a personal connection and seem more attractive to someone searching for your services.

Tip: Encourage your local customers to provide reviews on your Google Business Listing. This validates your services in the eyes of potential clients. And be sure to respond to the reviews. This will show your company cares about providing great customer service and values customer feedback.

Optimize Your Website with More Local SEO Keywords

Strong local SEO is vital to vending companies. Utilizing keywords that reflect the city and regions you service, including your address on your website, and optimizing your Googe Business Listing will help you attract the right clients in the right service areas. Simply put, it will make your business easier to find when a client types in “vending near me.”

For more information about vending marketing, reach out to VendCentral. We offer digital sales and marketing services and specialize in top-notch local SEO for vending operators.

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LinkedIn Success: Tips for Vending Operators LinkedIn Success: Tips for Vending Operators

Written by Katie Waxman on January 31, 2024

Katie Waxman / January 31, 2024

LinkedIn is a social media platform designed for the business community. And there are many reasons to use it to grow your vending business. It can help you establish credibility with a wider audience and earn you new customers. It can boost your brand awareness, generating new leads. LinkedIn can also let you showcase your services and locations. As a result, sales will grow at existing locations and new clients will be enticed to reach out.

6 LinkedIn Must-Dos Every Operator Needs to Know

LinkedIn is a popular online tool because of its many benefits. But like any tool, there are ways to wield it for better success. This blog has a roundup of how breakroom service providers can optimize their LinkedIn presence.

1. Clear Profile Image

Your profile image on LinkedIn is vital. It helps clients put a face with your name and can influence their first impression. Select a recent photo that actually looks like you do today. It doesn’t have to be a photo taken by a professional (although that is a bonus). but you should be the only one in the picture. That means no cropping or zooming in on you in a group. Your face should take up at least 60% of the frame and show you dressed as you would for work. Don’t forget to smile and look friendly! You want clients to feel you are approachable.

2. Crafted Background Image

Once you have your profile photo, you will want to consider the background image. This is the large image at the top of your LinkedIn page, right behind your profile picture. Consider carefully what to use here. In a glance, it should help people understand what you do. Perhaps you can show an image of your micro-market or office coffee services. An award you or your business has earned can show dedication and professionalism. Opt for a quote or your company mission statement to reinforce customer service. Make an effort to reinforce your company’s brand. Choose colors and/or an image similar to the look and feel of your other marketing. Above all, choose a clear, high-quality image. That will show you care about your LinkedIn profile, and ultimately, your work too.

3. Thoughtful About Section

After sorting out your images, it’s time to turn to words. The About section is a perfect place to share what you are passionate about. People want to know what makes you get up in the morning and stay focused during the day. It’s the place to highlight your work, not only what you do, but the impact you’ve made on others. This can be in the vending industry as a whole or more locally. Describe your skills and accomplishments, especially what they mean to you.

Sales Growth | Digital Marketing | LinkedIn Connections

4. Growing LinkedIn Community

Being on LinkedIn isn’t the same as using it. You must also build a community. Connect with customers to keep them up to date on your latest news. Reach out to prospects so they can learn about you and what you offer. Connect with local business leaders to strengthen your community ties. Plus, use LinkedIn to connect with employees of your own company. This boosts communication and makes your staff feel more involved.

5. Regularly Posted Content

One of the most intimidating hurdles for most vending operators is what to post on LinkedIn. Don’t overthink it. Show photos of your work, such as installs and grand openings. If your client gives permission, show breakroom before and after shots. Celebrate your employees on your page. Give a shoutout for anniversaries or announce new hires. Another great option to feature is your new products. If you added a popular beverage or the latest healthy snack item to your inventory, showcase it. Clients love seeing you are up on trends and offer fresh products. To show your expertise in breakroom services, share industry news, or offer insights on employment matters related to your business. Even just personal, yet professional responses to local topics and events can have a positive impact.

6. Engaging With Others

Now it’s time to put all the pieces together. You have great, meaningful images and a well thought About section. You have connections and content. Now it’s time to get social. That means leaving supportive comments on posts. You can also join groups and contribute to the conversations those groups are having on LinkedIn. Don’t forget to use LinkedIn messaging to reach out personally to others and start a conversation.

Benefit From an Enhanced LinkedIn Profile

The exposure and connections you can get from LinkedIn are well worth the effort. This is especially true for service businesses, like vending operators. Your business growth is based on forming new partnerships and strengthening existing ones. That’s why you’ll want to review our tips for LinkedIn Success. It will ensure you have the best chance of growing sales and gaining leads.

Need guidance with LinkedIn or marketing services? VendCentral can help. We specialize in digital sales and marketing in the vending space. Reach out to learn how we can help drive your business forward.

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A New Website Provides a Successful Start to the New Year A New Website Provides a Successful Start to the New Year

Written by Katie Waxman on December 5, 2023

Katie Waxman / December 5, 2023

A new website offers your vending business a fresh look and opportunity for growth. With the new year approaching, now is a great time to look at boosting your online presence in 2024!

So how do you know if you need a new website? This blog will give busy vending operators like you some key things to consider.

The Case for a New Website

First Impressions

When competing for breakroom service contracts, it’s vital to look fresh. Your site needs to instantly convey that your business is current and trustworthy. This means a modern design, crisp graphics, up to date information, and appealing photos. A fresh website can captivate visitors researching your business online. This first impression should put you ahead of your competition and leave a lasting, positive impression.

User Enhanced

A new website can mean more engaged visitors who spend a longer time discovering your offerings. Think about how users might move around your current site. Is the navigation simple? Does your site load quickly? Is the design responsive? How easy is it to view on a mobile device? A user-friendly site keeps visitors shopping. They check out the services you offer and explore more. This increases your chance of conversion.

SEO Optimized

New SEO practices can boost your website’s visibility in search engines. It is important your site include keywords for the major services you offer and the local cities you operate in. The more in tune your website is with the way customers shop, the better your organic search results will be. This means more organic traffic to your website and more leads.

Cyber Protection | Breakroom Services | New Website Musts

New Website Security

Cybersecurity is an ongoing concern for many businesses operating online. Be confident your website’s security credentials are up to date. Modern websites can integrate better security measures. This ensures not only the safety of your company’s site but also any data saved from users.

Aligned Messaging

A new website can bring together your company’s updated brand and messaging. If these have evolved over time, a new site will ensure shoppers are seeing the most accurate reflection of your current business. Your website should showcase your brand and your messaging should back it up, telling your story. A new site can let your look and communication best reflect your business today.


A good website is designed to easily convert visitors to customers. It can do that in many ways, including strategic placement of call-to-action buttons and forms. These engage the user and easily guide them into your sales funnel. Simple measures like these can boost sales and leads.

New Website Advantages Are a Click Away

Now you know what should be in a new website for vending companies. It includes a combination of front-facing enhancements and back-end improvements. If you think your site could use a refresh in 2024, we specialize in making the process easy for busy operators. That’s because VendCentral has spent decades helping vending operators succeed with digital sales and marketing. Contact VendCentral today to discuss a new website that will get visitors’ attention and grow leads.

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