We recently sat down with our co-founder and CEO of VendCentral, Neil Swindale, to share his story. Through the years, Neil’s positive attitude and vision reflect everything we do today to help our customers and grow our dynamic team.
Neil’s Early Days
Neil grew up in New Zealand until he was about 19 and then came to the U.S. on a basketball scholarship. “Today, a lot of kids from New Zealand come to America to play basketball, but I was one of the first five to ever come. So, it was kind of a big deal. Everyone thought I was Larry Bird!” Neil laughs.
He played four years of college basketball in the U.S. During that time, he met an American girl, got married, and then they moved back to New Zealand for about eight years, while he was still playing basketball professionally in New Zealand.
In his basketball days, playing as 6′ 6” small forward on various New Zealand semi pro teams and occasionally the New Zealand National team, Neil realized his skill set was versatile. “I wasn’t great at anything. But I was pretty good at most things. I could bring the ball up if the guys needed help. I could shoot threes, I could rebound or play deep, which is funny because it’s sort of what I do now at VendCentral. I bump around and do a whole bunch of stuff.”
Neil moved back to America in his 30s as a young father with two kids. “I never had a job before so I was like, what am I going to do? And, boom, my first job was with Coca-Cola in the vending industry. That was 27 years ago and I’ve never left. The vending industry is all I know.”
With the sales job at Coca-Cola, Neil also realized his knack for sales. “I was good at talking to people. And that all came from basketball.” He says he didn’t realize that all the intangible skills he learned playing sports would translate over to running a business.
He worked for Coca-Cola for about two years as a sales rep to vending companies in the Bay Area, taking orders and helping them with any problems and making sure they all were taken care of. It was then that he became intrigued by the vending world.
“I feel like everyone became my friends. I fell in love with small businesses, and in my whole career, that hasn’t changed. I loved calling on the vending guys.”
Neil went from a Coca-Cola sales rep of the Bay Area, to a position with Pepsi Frito-Lay for northern California for 5.5 years, to a position with Nestle Waters for the entire western United States for another 6 years – still calling on the vending companies and loving the relationships formed along his many routes.
He also started his own small vending company called Pacific Refreshments as a side hustle. “I started putting vending machines around town, and it did very well. I absolutely loved being out in my truck, filling machines, and talking to customers.”
Neil was the first vending company in the Bay Area to build a website for his business, and it was then he asked himself a question: “What if I could become the website guru for the whole vending industry?” He sold his vending company and started building websites for his friends who owned vending companies.
“It started with these one-off websites, and then it parlayed out into full online strategies and social media on an ongoing monthly marketing basis. And here we are today with over 500 websites built!”
Entrepreneurial Eagle Eye
Neil admits he has had a flurry of ideas over the years particularly in New Zealand between seasons as a professional basketball player to keep a few dollars coming in. For example, he started a New Zealand version of the Harlem Globetrotters. “I had a fun basketball team called the Lunchtime All-Stars. And all of us professional basketball players that were available that day would go to the high schools and elementary schools and put on a one-hour basketball show. And it was us professionals versus the high school kids in a showcase with music, mascots, free gifts, and T-shirts, the works!”
Another venture he had, while working for an egg company, he saw an opportunity where he could do a side hustle on the weekend. So, he started buying pallets of small eggs and then selling them at the flea market on the weekends. “Whenever I see an opportunity, I jump on it!” Neil laughs.
His favorite job in his early days? Working as a bellhop after he graduated from high school at a hotel in New Zealand. “I would park their car and take their luggage to the room, and I loved it. I got to talk to a hundred different people every day.”
He also reflects back and adds, “I’ve had some crappy jobs along the way, and I still loved them. I think that’s a theme now that I’m coming up on 60 years old. I can look back and say wow, everything I do, I just loved doing it. And that translates to today. I’ve always had an eagle entrepreneurial eye. And, no matter what I do, I love it.”
He adds, “For me, it’s more resilience and hustle, and I’ve surrounded myself with quite a few bright people these days, and it makes things easier. Now, I can just go and do what I do and then let the brains take over!”
Unwind and Relax
In his spare time, Neil’s favorite way to unwind is hiking. “I like to ‘go into the bush’ because it’s so peaceful, and I can relax.” His favorite places have been hiking trips to Iceland as well as New Zealand. At least a few times a week, he enjoys local spots to hike – to be out in nature.
Neil also enjoys weightlifting regularly. “I think it keeps your brain engaged, and I can do it while I take calls too!”
Family Is Key to Success
Family and friends are one of the keys to his success, Neil shares. “I believe that as you go through life, you’re going to have these big ups and downs, and occasionally life is going to deliver some issues. Having your family and friends there to help you navigate it is so important. A number of friends work within VendCentral. And my best friend from high school is Greg Elisara, co-owner of ZippyAssist. We have been best mates for more than 45 years.” And he values these long-time relationships.
Neil is also proud to have a couple family members on the VendCentral team as well – his son Zack Swindale and daughter-in-law Becca Swindale. His daughter Haley has also been on the VendCentral team.
Positivity and a Growing Dynamic Team
What makes a great team? Neil says, “We can’t go anywhere without an organized team behind us. We try to put a lot of emphasis on everyone – and having fun too. I’ve recognized my strengths and weaknesses, and I rely on our dynamic team. The culture of the company reflects back to our customers as well, and I love that they recognize this.”
He adds: “We want that really special relationship with our customers and the entire industry. And all that positivity, as they say, the universe attracts. That’s just a reflection of lots of years of being really positive. And that positivity means great opportunities are now happening for us.”
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A new website offers your vending business a fresh look and opportunity for growth. With the new year approaching, now is a great time to look at boosting your online presence in 2024!
So how do you know if you need a new website? This blog will give busy vending operators like you some key things to consider.
The Case for a New Website
First Impressions
When competing for breakroom service contracts, it’s vital to look fresh. Your site needs to instantly convey that your business is current and trustworthy. This means a modern design, crisp graphics, up to date information, and appealing photos. A fresh website can captivate visitors researching your business online. This first impression should put you ahead of your competition and leave a lasting, positive impression.
User Enhanced
A new website can mean more engaged visitors who spend a longer time discovering your offerings. Think about how users might move around your current site. Is the navigation simple? Does your site load quickly? Is the design responsive? How easy is it to view on a mobile device? A user-friendly site keeps visitors shopping. They check out the services you offer and explore more. This increases your chance of conversion.
SEO Optimized
New SEO practices can boost your website’s visibility in search engines. It is important your site include keywords for the major services you offer and the local cities you operate in. The more in tune your website is with the way customers shop, the better your organic search results will be. This means more organic traffic to your website and more leads.
New Website Security
Cybersecurity is an ongoing concern for many businesses operating online. Be confident your website’s security credentials are up to date. Modern websites can integrate better security measures. This ensures not only the safety of your company’s site but also any data saved from users.
Aligned Messaging
A new website can bring together your company’s updated brand and messaging. If these have evolved over time, a new site will ensure shoppers are seeing the most accurate reflection of your current business. Your website should showcase your brand and your messaging should back it up, telling your story. A new site can let your look and communication best reflect your business today.
A good website is designed to easily convert visitors to customers. It can do that in many ways, including strategic placement of call-to-action buttons and forms. These engage the user and easily guide them into your sales funnel. Simple measures like these can boost sales and leads.
New Website Advantages Are a Click Away
Now you know what should be in a new website for vending companies. It includes a combination of front-facing enhancements and back-end improvements. If you think your site could use a refresh in 2024, we specialize in making the process easy for busy operators. That’s because VendCentral has spent decades helping vending operators succeed with digital sales and marketing. Contact VendCentral today to discuss a new website that will get visitors’ attention and grow leads.
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Is a Vending Marketing Program in your business plan for next year? If not, you may want to consider it. The right Vending Marketing Program can act as a compass to guide your refreshment services business toward success. How exactly? Well, that’s what this blog is all about. Keep reading to find out the seven reasons why you should invest in a Vending Marketing Program.
1. Capitalize on Marketing Trends
Running a business dedicated to breakroom services takes time and know-how. That makes it hard to also captialize on marketing trends, which change often. Fortunately, that is exactly what a Vending Marketing Program does. The VendCentral team is committed to modern, effective, and on trend marketing practices that work for our industry. We ensure your refreshment services business utilizes the right methods and to keep pace with how customers are shopping.
2. Stand Above the Competition
VendCentral offers a variety of programs tailored to your needs. We look at your company, your goals, and your location. Then we put together an action plan to boost your SEO and give you an edge over your competition.
3. Amplify Sales and Conversion Rates
The best sales tools for your vending business are your website and marketing strategy. It is these that bring HR and facility managers in for a look and then turn them into customers. VendCentral will guide these prospects from interest to contract, boosting your sales.
4. Forge Lasting Customer Connections
VendCentral’s marketing programs not only bring in prospects, they also grow existing client relationships. Tailored web content and social media are effective at fostering loyalty. This leads to more referrals, upgrades, and overall growth for your vending company.
5. Grow through Data-Driven Insights
Marketing can be hard to analyze. Is it attracting new clients? How about expanding your reach? To answer these questions, VendCentral uses a data-driven approach. We look at the analytics in order to refine marketing strategies and boost the effectiveness of your program.
6. Adapt to Industry Shifts
The convenience services industry has shifted and evolved over the years to give customers what they want. Your marketing approach needs to stay nimble too. Your online messaging to prospects and clients must always be up to date and on target. Our programs refine your approach as needed with plenty of marketing expertise.
7. Strengthen Brand Identity
Customers, prospects, and even potential new employees must be able to clearly understand and connect with your vending company. That’s why our marketing programs consistently reinforce your brand identity. This fosters recognition and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.
A Vending Marketing Program Leads to Higher Sales
In the end, a VendCentral marketing program provides a clear pathway to growth for your refreshment services business. Our know-how helps you navigate your marketing through a dynamic landscape and come out ahead.
Learn more about the different marketing programs available. Or, contact VendCentral to discuss which Vending Marketing Program works best for you. You can reach us at (866) 699-8363 or info@vendcentral.com.
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Social selling and other types of sales are key to all businesses, especially breakroom services. Why? Because a well-stocked vending machine or hard-working office coffee brewer goes mostly unnoticed by decision makers.
How then do you ensure the facility manager remembers your great breakroom service? How do you have the type of relationship with a client’s HR that will last years? And what about new customers? How will you show them that you can give the personalized service that they want? This is where social selling comes in.
What is Social Selling?
First, let’s define this type of selling. In a nutshell, social selling is a method of building relationships using social media. Typically, it’s done through LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The idea is to engage customers, old and new, and show your talent and service level. As a result, sales increase.
Why Social Selling Works
Social selling is highly successful for B2B customers. That is because it can be a significant investment for the company, either in subsidized services or a long contract. Because of that many B2B buyers, like office managers, do research online before reaching out to a salesperson. This is the main reason social selling works so well. It is about building trust and showing the level of knowledge and service your company is about.
Other Benefits of Social Selling
There are many other reasons you should be using this selling approach. Here are some key perks to build the case for this type of sales.
Compared to advertising and cold calls, social selling can get you a better return for the money. That is due to the fact that social media platforms offer free and paid ways to connect with that ideal customer.
Data Driven
Social media platforms offer reports and tools to see engagement. These analytics give you measurable metrics about how you are doing. The insights can also help you refine your strategies to produce better results.
Competitive Edge
Social selling helps your business stand out. In the way reviews help your company, being on social media platforms will too. Customers will see your presence online and how you connect with others. This boosts your brand in their minds. It shows you are customer-focused, responsive, and helpful. That will set you apart from the other vendors in the area.
Social Selling is an Important Tool
In the end, this type of selling helps get the trust of facility managers and other breakroom service buyers. It shows that you are a reliable expert and care about your clients. It also lets you reach a wider group of people in a cost-efficient way. Don’t forget that the results are measurable, so you can pivot, and gain the upper hand over the vending competition. Thus, drive up sales.
Need some help? VendCentral is a digital marketing company just for the vending industry. We can help you with building relationships online that result in higher sales. Discuss your options today by calling (866) 699-8363 or emailing info@vendcentral.com.
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There is nothing more necessary than building SEO for your refreshment service website. Why? Because in today’s highly competitive digital market, you need to be front and center online. Good SEO will put you there.
Implementing working SEO strategies will improve your search engine rankings (the S and E in SEO). It will drive traffic to your vending website for FREE! Plus, it boosts brand visibility for your vending company. All that makes it easier for you to meet your business goals.
Understanding SEO
There are many levels to SEO, from the domain name you choose to how you index your pages. Utilizing a hosting company or even a digital marketing agency can really help with this. But there’s more that you have direct control over. Optimizing this is how you can build organic SEO.
Consider Website Design and Keywords
The design of your website affects SEO. So, it is important to set up a logical structure. Each page should have links to the other pages. These are called backlinks and help search engines find new pages. It also helps you rank higher for the words that are linked, a.k.a. keywords.
Speaking of keywords, getting these right is critical. To begin, think of your target customer. What will they type in a search engine to find the breakroom refreshment services you offer? Are there other search terms they use? What else do you offer? This is how you can begin to create your keywords. And don’t be afraid to try some keyword planning tools for those related words that are not obvious.
Ensure a Seamless User Experience
Another boost to SEO is to remember that search engines prioritize websites that offer a good user experience. So, how do you do that? First, ensure your backlinks work and the site loads quickly. Nothing frustrates users more than broken links or a page that times out. Your site must also be mobile-friendly since more and more people, even business-to-business prospects, are searching on their smartphones.
Second, the information on your site needs to be useful. The user should spend time on your site, reading and clicking on links. This will be key to better SEO AND getting qualified leads for your sales team.
Remember that Content is King
The most vital aspect of building SEO is content. Generating the right subject matter can make your site valuable to customers, give search engines your keywords, and attract prospect attention. Website content includes blogs, at least monthly, and new website pages that mention a few of your keywords. There is no need to stuff the text full of the keywords. In fact, this will lower your SEO score. Just ensure you mention the most important keywords, and relevant services, a few times.
Create content beyond your website as well. Social media posts are great for getting attention and user engagement. Ensure they link back to your website. Don’t forget about email newsletters, email ads, and online promotions. These might link to an existing website page or a newly created landing page. The links, keywords, and traffic will optimize your site for the search engines.
Unlock the Power of SEO
Now that you understand ways to make your SEO better, it’s time to optimize (the O in SEO). Enhance your website to be logical and user-friendly. Verify your keywords and add content that is useful and relevant. That is how you’ll build strong SEO and feed the bottom line of our vending business.
Need some SEO help? VendCentral has the digital marketing expertise to get your site ranking better. Check out our marketing plans or call us today at (866) 699-8363.
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Supply Wizards’ online ordering platform is a great way to increase sales and customer satisfaction. Why? To put it simply, it makes ordering a snap for busy facility and office managers. It lets them browse products, which they love to do, and quickly order what they need for the office break room. Plus, online ordering often results in more items being ordered per transaction. It’s a win-win.
So, how do you add online ordering to your refreshment services website? With the help of Supply Wizards, you can get an easy-to-use online ordering platform added to your website. Your customers can look at available products and submit orders, upping office and bulk pantry sales. In fact, office coffee service operators see a 24% boost in sales when using Supply Wizards. That’s a big jump!
Curious to explore the wonders of Supply Wizards? Keep reading for more details and benefits.
Customers See What You Want Them to See
Your office coffee and pantry customers aren’t all the same. So, it doesn’t make sense that their online ordering menu looks different than your other customers. Supply Wizards lets you customize your product menus for each of your customers. Yes, that’s right! When the customer logs in, they see the product list and pricing you want them to see.
Even better, you can customize the online ordering any way you need. Show select items, sell products individually or by the case, and have seasonal options.
Use Supply Wizards for Promotions
Want to promote new products and special deals to customers? Their user-friendly online ordering software makes this a hassle-free task. It’s a great boost to your sales strategy and makes customers happy! Set promotional banners to display specific items to all customers at key times. Doing so will make it hard for them to pass up on a good deal or new item!
Save Time on Orders and Reduce Errors
It’s no secret that one of the biggest hassles of break room supply ordering is manual entry. When orders are taken via phone or email, there can be errors when processing the order. This is a common pain point for many operators.
If you’re looking for a way to simplify your ordering process, you’re in luck! The solution is Supply Wizards, which integrates seamlessly with your Vending Management Software (VMS). An order is placed online and then goes immediately into the VMS. It streamlines your order management process and eliminates the need to manually enter orders.
Getting Started with Supply Wizards is Quick and Simple
Supply Wizards’ online ordering platform isn’t difficult to use or learn. It was built with simplicity in mind. Plus, their dedicated team will guide you through the setup process so you can start receiving orders right away.
A Team Committed to Operators
This isn’t your average online ordering software. It’s a unique e-commerce solution made for office coffee service operators. It can boost sales, make customers happy, and save time and money. Plus, the Supply Wizards’ team is full of convenience service veterans who want to see the industry thrive and your sales grow!
Reach out to VendCentral today at (866) 699-8363 to discuss online ordering. Trust us, you’ll be glad you did!
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A vending marketing program is your secret weapon for growing sales. It’s crucial for driving leads to your website. And for changing prospects into customers. A vending marketing program will drive new buyers to you! It will also spur upgrades with your existing customers.
Vending operators who want to stay focused on their daily tasks turn to VendCentral for marketing help. If fact, it’s why we created our vending marketing programs. All of our marketing programs include a brand-new, mobile-friendly website to attract more leads and convert more customers. They also include top-notch social media content to engage your audience online. But, our sales and marketing programs offer lots of other benefits too. Looking for more leads and more sales? Keep reading, because this guide will help you decide what vending marketing program is right for you.
The Works – a COMPLETE vending marketing program
Looking for a program that is completely personalized for your business? A program that drives sales? One that includes all aspects of digital and print marketing? This program is for you. Clients on our COMPLETE sales and marketing program rely on us to handle it all!
To start, we craft a sales and marketing strategy based on our COMPLETE clients’ unique needs and growth plans. From that, we develop their monthly promotional schedule. These clients work closely and regularly with their VendCentral marketing account manager to fine tune their marketing strategy throughout the year.
Clients on our COMPLETE program have the most robust website growth plan for top SEO results. They also receive the most social media and blog content. Plus, it’s all customized for their business. We help these clients tap into the power of social media to grow their audience and reach. Press releases and design services for email and print campaigns are included too. It is our highest tier program. But COMPLETE clients consider it a valuable investment that pays off big for company sales growth.
The Assist – a CORE program
For vending operators that need only a bit of marketing help, we offer the CORE vending marketing program. In this program, our marketing account managers focus on generating content to help our CORE clients get top search results. Blogs and social media posts concentrate on industry topics and promote our clients’ services and expertise. They contain great SEO keywords but minor customization.
The CORE program appeals to clients looking to establish an online presence, improve search rankings, and grow their websites over time. It works best when complemented by a member of your own team who can add personalized content.
The Best of Both – a CUSTOM program
Take all the benefits of CORE, pair them with several great options from COMPLETE, and you’ll get our CUSTOM program. This is our most popular program with good reason. It is a semi-custom approach that highlights what sets your vending business apart from competitors.
We work together with our CUSTOM clients to create promotional plans. These include both industry-related and personalized content. Website growth is also emphasized in this program to maximize SEO. Clients on the CUSTOM marketing program also get ZippyLead, a website IP tracker tool that can increase vending sales. It does this by capturing valuable contact information about website visitors.
Our VendCentral marketing account managers collaborate closely with our CUSTOM clients for maximum impact and maximum lead generation.
What Type of Vending Marketing Program Do You Need?
Looking to grow your vending sales? Want to stay focused on your operations? We have a marketing program that fits your needs. From full-scale sales and marketing to a more simplified approach, VendCentral will help you succeed.
Contact VendCentral today for more details on our vending marketing programs. We will help you find the best fit for your business. Call us at (866) 699-8363 or reach us online.
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A growth strategy is important after your vending website is built. It will help maximize your website’s performance and attract valuable leads. Your vending website is your strongest marketing tool and online investment. Maintaining it is key to its long-term success. But what should your website’s growth strategy look like? Read our 3 steps-to-success specifically for vending websites.
1. Grow Your Web Content
Regularly adding content to your vending website has a more positive impact on marketing and sales than a redesign every few years. Therefore, you will want to add new web pages and update existing ones routinely. Consider what content will support your sales goals. Plus, what type of content will enhance your SEO. For example, let’s say you create a web page for a new service offering. Anyone who searches for that type of service should see your website suggested. The same is true if you feature trendy new products or showcase a specific coffee brewer. Get on a schedule where you regularly evaluate, update, and add content to your website.
2. Blogs are Key to a Growth Strategy
Writing blog posts is a vital way to stay current. Blogs allow you to communicate frequently with customers on a variety of topics. Blogs also show you’re an authority on top vending industry trends. Finally, blog articles go a long way toward enhancing your website’s SEO. For instance, when you write about services or products, those keywords are associated with your vending website. Therefore, your website will show up in search results more often and attract more breakroom leads.
Here’s a bonus tip: Once you publish a blog on your website, share it on social media. It
doesn’t have to be a long post; a short sentence with hashtags will do. Your social media post gives your blog more exposure and opportunity for views. Don’t forget to add an image, which increases the chance it will be noticed.
3. Keep Your Website Clean
Every website needs housekeeping now and again. Check that your address, phone number, and email are correct. Also review all the links and menu options. You want to ensure those links go where they should. It is vital for an overall positive customer experience. After all, your website’s performance can affect how potential customers feel about you. A statistic from econsultancy reports that 80% of consumers are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience. So, don’t let a broken link stop your vending company from getting a qualified lead.
Another website section to check is service areas. If you have expanded into new cities or counties, be sure they are mentioned on your site. Ditto for product and equipment additions. You’ll want the most current information available for your existing and potential customers.
A Website Growth Strategy Opens More Doors to Success
Use our tips as a guide and create a website growth strategy of your own. It will help you keep your vending website performing at its best. Add content, write blogs, and check your online information. It will ensure your vending website remains a powerful sales tool available to customers 24/7.
If you need help with your vending website or are looking for powerful online sales and marketing tools, contact VendCentral. We specialize in digital marketing for the breakroom services industry. From a growth strategy to a marketing plan, we can maximize sales for your vending business. Reach out to info@vendcentral.com or (866) 699-8363 to get started.
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Vending operators often ask us how social media can help their company. Our answer? Social media makes your vending business stand out from the competition and attracts quality leads. It lets you connect with customers and prospects in ways that influence their decisions. It is a powerful tool for increasing sales. Did you know that more than 50% of customers say they learn about new brands and products specifically from social media platforms? That means your vending business needs to be there.
Keep reading for tips on creating social media posts that engage your existing customers and make new prospects want to do business with your vending company.
Showcase Your Expertise
Social media is a great place to display your industry knowledge. Use it to inform your customers about new products and equipment. For example, post about the latest single-cup brewer you installed and the features you love about it. Don’t forget to tag the manufacturer to get more exposure.
Another great way to show your expertise is by sharing the latest breakroom news and trends. It will show customers that your company stays on top of what is hot in the industry. Showcase your latest installs too. Make sure to mention how your breakroom upgrades improve the workplace and tag any clients who give you permission.
Keep it Consistent
Posting regularly on social media is key to building a relationship with your audience. That is because frequent posts help grow your online reputation. They also increase trust in your brand. But don’t worry. Social media posts don’t have to be long. In fact, short to-the-point posts are best. Bite-sized content is easier to scan and retain.
In addition, it’s a good idea to regularly ask questions or take polls in your social media posts. This will spark conversation. That means your audience will be better engaged. And, it will help you learn more about your audience too.
Include Visuals
Remember the saying: a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, it’s true. Great visuals attract attention. But it’s not just photos. You can use infographics and video content too. A statistic from Twitter Business puts it in perspective, Tweets with video get 10 times more engagement than those without. The takeaway? Add visuals to ensure greater impact.
Make it Genuine
When you post on social media, an authentic and honest approach works best. Why? Because 86% of Americans want transparency from a company, says SproutSocial. That means you should show the human element in your business whenever possible. Plus, be open, honest, and clear in your posts. It will help you develop a stronger connection with your vending customers.
Need more reason to be real? LinkedIn posts with personal images get two times higher engagement. So, get personal to ensure your posts are read and remembered.
Now that you know when and what to post, it’s time to boost engagement. Invite your clients and industry colleagues to follow your business. And do the same to theirs. The larger your audience, the more powerful your social media will be at attracting new customers and maintaining current ones.
If thinking about social media posts makes you feel stressed, you’re not alone. The good news is that there are digital marketing specialists just for the vending industry. That’s us. Reach out to VendCentral for help today.
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