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Coolbreakrooms: How Can It Help You?

Written by Katie Waxman on January 26, 2022

Katie Waxman / January 26, 2022

Coolbreakrooms Authorized Provider

A brand-new Coolbreakrooms has launched for 2022 – just in time for a year that is sure to be filled with new opportunities for the refreshment services industry.  As an extension of VendCentral, Coolbreakrooms offers an online community where operators and manufacturers can thrive.

Coolbreakrooms speaks directly to breakroom decision-makers. It is a platform designed for operators and manufacturers to promote their goods and services directly to HR and facility managers. With its expansion this year, Coolbreakrooms is developing new industry partnerships. How it can help you reach your business goals for 2022?

Promotes the Industry

Coolbreakrooms’ main initiative is to promote breakroom operators and the refreshment services industry as a whole. Its website inspires breakroom upgrades by showcasing how better breakrooms positively impact employees and improve workplace culture.

The website’s Featured Breakrooms page highlights gold-standard breakrooms that deliver modern technology, satisfying food and beverages and a welcoming environment for employees. It provides customers interested in updating their company breakroom with the inspiration they need to get started.

Coolbreakrooms intends to rapidly expand their featured breakrooms gallery with pictures of breakrooms in all sizes.  This is a great opportunity for operators to showcase their work. Operators are invited to submit photos of their premium breakroom installs for inclusion on the site.  Selected operators may receive free marketing exposure through photo credits, in-depth articles, and social media promotions.

Coolbreakrooms Variety

Boosts Business for Operators

Coolbreakrooms is focused on providing more leads to top-notch operators in the refreshment services industry.  It does this by consulting with breakroom customers and matching them with Authorized Providers in their own hometown.  They enhance the service by guiding customers to products and equipment best suited for their workplace environment.

Coolbreakrooms is valuable for larger companies that are interested in breakroom upgrades but have limited time or resources to dedicate to the process.  It’s particularly useful for companies with workplaces in multiple cities, as it provides one turnkey solution for breakroom services across the US and internationally.

To become part of the Coolbreakrooms Authorized Provider network, breakroom operators must satisfy certain quality standards. There is no fee to join.

Coolbreakrooms Branch to box

Drives Sales for Manufacturers

Manufacturers in the refreshment services industry have long found themselves short on channel-specific marketing opportunities. But the Coolbreakrooms website provides a new way to promote products and equipment directly to breakroom customers. Those partnering with Coolbreakrooms can now drive demand for food and beverages, gourmet office coffee, water filtration systems, breakroom technology, and more.

As it grows, Coolbreakrooms will shine a larger spotlight on the best of the best from all business categories.  It will develop key relationships with industry manufacturers and create an impactful way for them to market directly to breakroom customers and influence sales.

The website will promote newness and innovation in a constantly evolving industry and educate customers on the latest breakroom options available.

VendCentral’s goal with Coolbreakrooms is straightforward – to promote breakroom upgrades and support the growth of the refreshment services industry. This year, the new Coolbreakrooms website will generate content geared towards breakroom decision-makers and provide a unique platform for all members of the industry community to participate and benefit. If you are interested in realizing greater demand for your goods and services VendCentral welcomes you to contact them to discuss joining the Coolbreakrooms movement.

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Start 2022 with a Website Health Check  

Written by Katie Waxman on January 12, 2022

Katie Waxman / January 12, 2022

Website Health | Business Goals | VendCentral

A healthy website is a cornerstone of business success. More consumers are opting to shop online rather than in-store, so a robust digital presence is more essential than ever before. In fact, it takes a user about 0.05 seconds to decide if they’re going to continue exploring your website or jump ship. That means if your site is outdated, unattractive, or tough to navigate, you’ve just lost a potential customer in less than one second.

Just like regularly maintaining your health is necessary for a thriving body, continual updates and enhancements are key to an optimized website. Your site is a living, breathing mechanism that need to be reviewed, updated, and maintained regularly.

If your website has been collecting dust, the beginning of the year is the perfect time to take a deeper look and reassess the health of your company website.

The Importance of a Healthy Website

Your business website is your brand’s piece of digital real estate on the internet. You wouldn’t walk into a dilapidated storefront expecting five-star service, would you? The same thing applies to online shoppers. If your website is poorly designed, consumers will surely look elsewhere.

While 38% of people will immediately stop engaging with a site if the content or layout is unappealing, 88% of consumers are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience. That’s a significant number! If your website crashes, hasn’t been redesigned since 2009, or is stuffed with irrelevant information, it will cost you valuable leads.

A website health check is a valuable way to identify how to optimize your online presence, generate leads, and boost revenues.

Your Complete Website Health Checklist

When conducting a health check of your website, be sure to ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is my website user-centric?

A high-performing website is all about the user experience (UX). To be successful, your site must be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and provide immediate value to the customer. It’s important to keep in mind that every visitor who comes to your website has a problem to solve. Whether they want to buy a new sweater or find a new vending machine for their office break room, they have a problem. Your website’s goal is to help them solve that problem as quickly as possible.

A site that is visually appealing and clearly laid out will intuitively guide a visitor from one step to the next.

2. Does it have clear branding and effectively represent who I am as a company?

Your site is a digital representation of your brand. When a user lands on your website, they should immediately know what products or services you offer, what pain points you solve, and what your brand’s personality is like. Branding can effectively be conveyed through engaging copy, color palettes, and imagery.

3. Is it updated and fresh?

Websites that are outdated or include irrelevant information will negatively impact your marketing efforts. Ensure that your company site highlights your latest products and services and highlights pertinent information.

4. Is it mobile responsive?

Consumers engage with their smartphones for an average of 2 hours and 55 minutes on a daily basis. If your website isn’t mobile friendly, you could be losing potential customers. Your site needs to quickly load, be easy to scan on a smartphone, and provide a seamless experience across all devices.

5. Is it optimized to ensure your website ranks high on search?

Search Engine Optimization is crucial when it comes to your website because it makes it more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers. It’s also a valuable tool for brand awareness, building relationships with prospects, and positioning yourself as an authoritative and trustworthy expert in your industry.

6. Is it accessible to all users and ADA compliant?

To be successful, a website must be inclusive. This means that its content is accessible to all users, regardless of physical or situational disabilities. It isn’t just good business practice; web accessibility legislation is continuing to evolve. Making your site more compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) could reduce your exposure to hefty fines.

The Reality

Your website can make or break your business. Regular site health checks, now and throughout the year, ensure that your website is user-friendly, updated, and inclusive.

To learn how VendCentral’s marketing solutions can benefit your website, contact us today by calling (866) 699-8363.

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