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Vending Marketing That Works, Part 1: Define Your Marketing Strategy Vending Marketing That Works, Part 1: Define Your Marketing Strategy

Written by Katie Waxman on July 28, 2022

Katie Waxman / July 28, 2022

Many vending business owners jump into marketing with social media posts and blogs to reach potential customers. Indeed, these are part of any good marketing plan. However, to get results, vending marketing needs to be supported first by a strategy behind the posts and blogs. Then you can work out a detailed plan of what and when to post.

Did you define your vending marketing strategy before jumping in? If not, keep reading. Here are some marketing strategy basics to ensure your marketing succeeds.

Marketing strategy vs. marketing plan

While often used interchangeably, a marketing strategy and marketing plan are very different. A marketing strategy is the why. It explains how your marketing will help you achieve your company’s mission and goals. Plus, it outlines what you will market, who you will market to, and how you intend to communicate your message. Finally, it should consider your competitors and how you will set your breakroom business apart.

In contrast, a marketing plan takes your marketing strategy and puts it into practice. It is how you will execute the strategy. For instance, your social media post schedule, your blog topics, and the associated performance metrics.

Steps for a strong vending marketing strategy

A well-defined marketing strategy supports your company’s mission and vision. Follow these steps to ensure yours is complete:

1. Lay the groundwork

Begin the vending market strategy process with a summary of your company. For example, how it started and the values that drive your business. It is also important to include what you wish to accomplish with your marketing efforts. Are you looking to obtain new business? Do you want to show existing customers you do more than vending? How can your marketing efforts help you achieve your goals?

2. Understand your market

Next, outline the key factors and trends happening in the breakroom industry and in your particular service area. Are micro-markets the “go-to” in your area? Are locations asking for ways to lure employees back to the office? Check industry sources, local news, and LinkedIn for some insights.

3. Detail your offering

At a high level, list the types of products and services your vending marketing should focus on. This is going to be directly related to the market trends you identified in the previous step.

Vending Decision Marker | Vending Customer | Marketing Stratgey4. Define your audience

In order to develop an effective vending marketing strategy, you need to know who to target. Therefore, you should create a clear description of your ideal vending or breakroom service customer. What type of business is it? How many employees are on-site? Who is your contact, the facility manager or the human resource manager? How can you get your marketing message in front of this person?

5. Describe your message

Now that you have identified your target audience, what do you want to say? Use what you came up with for overall breakroom trends, which products/services you want to target, and who your ideal customer is to solidify your message. Does it revolve around hassle-free service? Or, perhaps it highlights the advantages of superior coffee equipment? Maybe it’s showcasing your environmental stewardship through sustainable practices?

6. Analyze your competition

In marketing as in most aspects of business, it is important to look not only at yourself but your competitors. For instance, how is your vending company unique or better than others? How will your marketing plan accentuate these differences?

Don’t forget, you don’t have to come up with your marketing strategy alone. A digital marketing agency can assist you in developing and solidifying a vending marketing strategy that works.

A marketing strategy is just the beginning

Once you have all the elements of a marketing strategy complete, you can take that framework and build a marketing plan. Don’t be tempted to skip the strategy, however. It is worth the time. Starting with the support of a strategy will ensure you make the most of your vending marketing investment, keep your message on target, and reach your goals.

Ready to solidify your strategy? VendCentral can assist you in defining one that works. For a free consultation, contact us by email or at ((866) 699-8363.

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Podcasts – A New Vending Marketing Strategy To Try Podcasts – A New Vending Marketing Strategy To Try

Written by Katie Waxman on July 13, 2022

Katie Waxman / July 13, 2022

Podcasts have seen tremendous growth. Forbes reports that in 2021, there were 116 million people listening to podcasts monthly. That number shows signs of going even higher in 2022.

Can vending operators use podcasts to boost business? Yes! Read on to learn more about using podcasts in your vending marketing.

Why people listen

There are many reasons podcasts are increasing in popularity. One reason is screen fatigue. Starting in 2020 (Covid19), people began spending more hours on screens. This includes working remotely, streaming content before and after work, as well as scrolling through social media. It’s nice to have a break. Yet, people still want to be tuned in to what’s happening and be entertained. That is where podcasts come in.

Podcasts commute listening at home listening

As an audio-only medium, podcasts are the perfect choice for making the most of leisure or errand time. More than half (52%) of listeners are tuning into podcasts while doing things at home, according to The Infinite Dial 2017. Another quarter is listening to podcasts on the go, from commuting via car to walking around on foot. The versatility of when and where people can listen to podcasts is part of what makes them so attractive.  Plus, there is a podcast on nearly every subject. You can listen to one to boost professional development, be entertained, or explore a hobby. This variety in topics adds to podcasts’ overall appeal.

What to podcast

So how does a vending company break into the world of podcasts? A great way to start is by taking the digital content you already have and repurposing it for a podcast audience. Use the pages of your own website for inspiration. You could expand upon your origin story, company mission, and/or vision for the future in a podcast (all from your About Us page).

Another podcast idea is to discuss what’s new and trending in breakroom services. You might start by interviewing your employees. For example, what is it like to be a route driver in 2022? How have workplaces in your area changed in the past few years? Or, perhaps you would rather discuss how breakroom service technology is changing. You could report on the new services and hardware available along with how it benefits your vending customers and their employees. The sky is the limit on vending podcast topics. Try innovative food and beverage products, shifts in the way today’s workers are snacking, or anything that informs and educates listeners.

Get help from a host

When creating a podcast, a good host is invaluable. They can help guide the listener through the episode, add a level of professionalism to the finished product, and help you get your podcast published. Our talented friend, Cecil LeDesma, is an expert podcaster and can help you explore and create podcasts about a variety of topics that you or your business feel passionate about.

Podcasts are outside the box

Podcasts are not going away. Buzzsprout reports projections that listeners will exceed 160 million by 2024. This is a big reason for you to consider a podcast to market your vending business. It can help boost your brand and solidify your place as an expert. Most of all, it will reach an audience that could be potential clients.

There’s help along the way. VendCentral has been assisting breakroom service providers with vending marketing for decades. We can help you navigate the online marketing world to create strong business leads. Call (866) 699-8363 or email today.

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About Us Page Tips for Vending Businesses About Us Page Tips for Vending Businesses

Written by Katie Waxman on June 23, 2022

Katie Waxman / June 23, 2022

Your website’s About Us page is the place to share your vending company’s story. Why is that important? Because a good story can sell your vending services to customers. In particular, you want prospective breakroom customers to feel good about hiring you and buying your breakroom products.

An impactful About Us page will showcase the unique attributes of your vending business. It should have personality and represent your company’s values. The text should inspire confidence in the services you are offering. The page should resonate with the reader and make them feel good about entering into a business relationship with you. For many vending services companies, achieving the right tone and content can be difficult. Fear not. Vendcentral can help. Read on for our best About Us page tips.

The About Us needs a beginning

Start your About Us page with how and why your vending business began. Was it a family business now in the third generation? Did your vending services company grow out of a different business? Was it first started out of a desire to fulfill a specific customer or community need? Whatever the origin of your vending business story, let it be front and center.

What makes you special

Part of a good About Us page is its uniqueness. Therefore, include what makes your vending services company different from your competitor. Is it the diverse group of people that contribute to your team? Is it the family environment you create in your workplace? Have members of your company been recognized for their contributions to the vending industry? Perhaps it is your unique relationship with local providers. Put whatever makes your company different here.

Workplace values

Another About Us page must is stating your company values. What mantras do your employees embrace? Is it customer service, attention to detail, hard work, quick solutions, or integrity? Mention them. Aim for 3 to 5, not a long list that captures every value in the dictionary. Why? Because a long list will ring false. Plus, you don’t need all of them. Let’s say someone sees a company that promotes Family Values, Integrity, and Grit. That person doesn’t assume there won’t be good customer service because it wasn’t mentioned.

Lead Gen | Professional Website | Vending MarketingLead Gen | Professional Website | Vending Marketing Why you are a great place to work

It’s not just decision-makers who read About Us pages. Potential employees do too! The About Us page will show them what your company stands for, how you care for your employees, and what your business culture is like.  A well-crafted About Us page can make your company very attractive to valuable new talent.

Personal, yet professional tone

Finding the right tone can be difficult. In vending marketing, it is important to be friendly and upbeat, yet professional. Aim for positive stories and avoid too much vending or business jargon on this page.

Lead Gen | Professional Website | Vending Marketing

Short and sweet

It can be difficult to determine which details to include on the About Us page. This is especially true if your company has been in business for many years. Your company’s milestones may help guide your way. Highlight important company growth and acquisitions and the people and passions that make your company thrive.  Your goal is to make it a cohesive and well-rounded story.

Community and volunteer endeavors

People will like to hear how your company gives back to your community. Include community support and volunteer efforts, whether it is initiatives your company takes on as a whole or individual pursuits by your employees. These can be supported with pictures to bring an extra special touch to your page.

Tell the occasional anecdote

As you consider what should be on your About Us page, make sure to include anecdotes. Short, humorous stories or personal reflections from your team will stick in people’s minds. This will make your vending services company more real and memorable.

It might surprise you how many people visit the About Us page.  Because of its popularity and importance, we consider it an essential part of a great vending website!  Have a few people read your About Us page before publishing it be sure it flows well, is free of errors, and properly reflects your company and your team.  If you want help creating a vending website with a great About Us page contact VendCentral. We build vending websites that generate leads and impress customers!

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Why Personalization Boosts Your Vending Business Why Personalization Boosts Your Vending Business

Written by Katie Waxman on June 1, 2022

Katie Waxman / June 1, 2022

Hungry for new vending clients? Focused on retaining current customers? Consider your level of personalization online. Have you gone beyond the basics – logo, brand colors, and website? Those are all critical first steps. However, to elevate your vending marketing, you need to personalize it. Why? Because that is the key to bringing in more business and keeping the business you already have.

Ready to learn how you can use personalization? With this intention, keep reading.

Breaking down personalization

Personalization is a long word that simply means showing who you are online. Websites full of stock art look great. However, they are generic. That’s purposeful, as stock art companies sell stock art, not vending art. Therefore, the photos don’t show your specific vending services. Nor does stock art showcase your employees or brand. Using only stock art can cause you to blend in with other vending businesses in your area that also use stock art. As a result, facility managers and human resource managers won’t differentiate your company from your competitor. Personalization in your vending marketing can change that.

vending employees | marketing photo | installation
Utilize photos

Remember the saying, a picture is worth a 1,000 words? It’s still true, even with online vending marketing. Therefore, to personalize your vending business online, you must focus on photos. Consider the services you offer. Do they include office coffee service? What about water filtration service? How about that micro-market service you’re growing? You will want photos of all of these. Photos that show your coffee brewers,  your branded vending machines, and your specific micro-market fixtures. Furthermore, it is important to showcase your employees in these photos. To do that, snap of photo of them installing equipment at a friendly customer location. Another way to include employees is to take pictures at corporate events or run a featured employee each month. As a bonus, these photos are great to personalize your social media and often get shared by the employees themselves.

With a smartphone in nearly every pocket, getting photos is easy. Nevertheless, consider hiring a professional photographer for a day. A professional will consider lighting, background, and composition. The result will be a personalized photograph that is professional and rivals stock art.

Don’t forget other areas of personalization

Photos are not the only area a vending services business can personalize. For example, social media is an ideal platform to add personalization. You might want to do a short video showing a new location install. Alternatively, you may want to repost a community event you took part in. The most important thing is to keep the content personal, not general. In this way, you will set yourself apart from competitors. 

Personalization can also mean seasonal promotions. Put together a promotions calendar. Then create PDFs or images with the specific products you want to sell. These can be put on your website, social media feeds, and even micro-market kiosks. Promotions are a way to be unique in your service area and increase sales. 

In the end, personalization can take your vending business to the next level. If you need help getting there, contact VendCentral. We’ll develop a distinctive vending marketing strategy that will bring in new leads and impress existing customers. 

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4 Google Business Listing MUSTS For Vending Companies 4 Google Business Listing MUSTS For Vending Companies

Written by Katie Waxman on May 19, 2022

Katie Waxman / May 19, 2022

Having a Google Business Listing is a great first step in vending marketing success. However, if you are only doing the basics, you are missing out on potential business. That’s why we’ve pulled together the 4 essential elements that your vending company needs to maximize your Google Business Listing. Upgrade your listing with: 

Customer Reviews | Breakroom Operators | B2B Marketing | Business Listing

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews

It’s no secret that today’s consumer puts heavy emphasis on reviews. However, it’s not just consumers. Facility Managers, Human Resource Managers, and Decision Makers research refreshment and vending services business online too. Where do they look? Google Business Reviews. Those stars (and comments) come up as soon as they search for your business name. They can show decision-makers that you are as reliable and competent as you say, which will help them choose you for a breakroom services partnership.

Timely Responses & Content

While getting lots of reviews is important, that’s not all. You also need to respond to reviews. Even if the review is 5-star, offer the reviewer a quick thank you. The more personal the thank you sounds, the better. Replying to reviews shows everyone that you appreciate your customers and keep an eye on your image. It can also encourage more people to leave reviews. 

We know what you’re thinking. What happens if the review you get is less than 5 stars? The good news is that having a few 4-star reviews, or even a negative review or two, actually makes your listing more credible. No one is perfect, and vending service decision-makers will appreciate the integrity of allowing all types of reviews to show. Having said that, your company must respond to negative reviews. Avoid defensive language and be personal. Ask questions and explain how you did or will fix the issue. You can also direct them to call you to discuss the issue, which takes the issue offline. While it may be offline, visitors to your Google Business Listing will see that you responded quickly and care about your level of service. 


Similar to responding to reviews, it’s important to keep your Google Business Listing information updated. Old addresses, logos, and messages from years ago all need to be removed. Ensure your service area is current too. This impacts whether your company shows up when a decision-maker searches for vending “near me.” Keep your company considered for a business partnership by being up-to-date. 

Breakroom Experience | Business Listing | Breakroom Services

Personal Images

Stock photos are beautiful, but anyone exploring your business on Google is looking to find out about you! That means they want to see your location, your employees, and your services in action. Grab some shots at vending and micro-market installations. Add photos from your company events. These real-world photos will show that you take pride in your business, exactly what a company looking for a refreshment services partner wants.

While your Google Business Listing photos should be of your business and services, aim for high quality. The best vending marketing photos are well lit (with daylight), high resolution (even if it’s a smartphone camera), and look appealing. Avoid blurry, grainy, dark photos that don’t showcase the best of your vending business.

Today’s vending marketing pros know that your online image is important. That’s where an optimized Google Business Listing can help. If you need help optimizing your Google Business Listing or improving your online marketing presence, contact VendCentral. We’ll develop a distinctive vending marketing strategy to attract new leads and impress your existing clients.

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ZippyAssist Improves Service and Profits for Operators ZippyAssist Improves Service and Profits for Operators

Written by Jen on April 28, 2022

Jen / April 28, 2022

The refreshment services industry is buzzing about ZippyAssist. The powerful but simple-to-use customer service platform is seeing tremendous growth in the marketplace this year and there is good reason for all the excitement. ZippyAssist can be used from any mobile device and it offers speedy support for customers in unattended environments like micro-markets, vending machines, and office coffee locations. Here we dig into the big reasons why ZippyAssist is receiving a warm welcome from operators in the refreshment services industry.

Easy refunds

One of ZippyAssists’ key advantages is how easy it is to issue a refund online through electronic payment systems like Venmo and PayPal. When a customer submits a refund request through their mobile device, a breakroom operator can see and authorize the request right away, with the customer then automatically reimbursed if they choose an online option. Breakroom operators love ZippyAssists’ focus on simplicity and ease-of-use, with the new online refund feature just the latest example of this attention to improving the customer experience. And for customers themselves, having their money refunded without unnecessary hassle and delays is a game-changer.

Reduced Costs

Calls and emails for customer service issues are drastically reduced when customers shift to ZippyAssist. The ZippyAssist dashboard allows multiple members of an operator’s team to see and manage the service requests submitted. Customer service representatives spend less time receiving and forwarding issues for follow-up. Instead, they can focus on other tasks and become more productive.

Increased Business Intelligence

A key feature of the ZippyAssist platform is its reporting capabilities. Breakroom operators are now able to access information and identify trends in the types of customer service requests submitted. If problems arise more frequently on a particular driver’s route or with a particular customer or piece of equipment those issues can be recognized and resolved more quickly.

ZippyAssist | Digital Refunds | VendCentral

Improved sales

Breakroom operators are using ZippyAssist to market themselves above the competition, and they are noticing it instills a higher level of customer confidence from the very start. Operators report that ZippyAssist helps them demonstrate their commitment to superior customer service in a tangible way and allows them close deals with new accounts more quickly. Sales improvements have also been seen with existing customers. Problems are resolved more quickly, missed sales are avoided, and client satisfaction is higher.

For breakroom operators looking to elevate their customer service, save costs, boost sales, and enjoy more productive operations, ZippyAssist is an easy choice. Getting started is simple and the platform can be up and running in a few short weeks. Want to try it out?  Click here for a 14-day free trial. Or schedule a quick demo of ZippyAssist to learn more.

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How Blogs Create a Deeper Connection with Customers How Blogs Create a Deeper Connection with Customers

Written by Jen on April 14, 2022

Jen / April 14, 2022

Operators and manufacturers are using blogs more and more to connect with customers, display their expertise, promote their breakroom products & equipment, and generate leads. 

There are many ways to keep blogs engaging for breakroom customers. But what types of content work well in a blog? Read on to discover ideas for incorporating interesting and relevant blog content into your digital strategy. And stay tuned until the end to learn one of the biggest benefits of creating blogs.

Answer FAQ’s

It is easy for breakroom operators to identify frequently asked questions when servicing their clients. Write blogs that can be used as a customer service tool for answering them. Consider sending these blog articles to your clients proactively to show you are in tune with their needs and have resources to help them.

Promote New Products & Brands

Use blogs to let your clients know you are working hard to keep your snack, beverage, and fresh food assortments new and exciting. Blog articles are an interesting way to explore new flavors, brands, and seasonal items.

Explore Breakroom Trends

The refreshment services industry is constantly evolving and there are always new ideas to share.  Blogs that identify and elaborate on breakroom trends are a valuable tool for your clients. They can also create opportunities for breakroom service and equipment upgrades. 

Equipment Information

Breakroom equipment is constantly innovating.  Write blogs that provide information on your most popular breakroom equipment – especially gourmet coffee brewers. These articles can help your clients maximize the use of their equipment and be helpful for troubleshooting problems too.

Industry expertise

Use blog articles as an outlet for demonstrating your industry knowledge. It will show you stay on top of what is happening in the industry and reinforce your company as a leader in refreshment services.

Build Trust

Blogs are a great way to establish a deeper connection with your clients, build trust, and enhance your company’s brand image. Use these articles to get a little personal. Share your company’s values, highlight outstanding employees, or explain what you are doing to contribute to your community. 

There are so many ways blogs can be useful for your breakroom customers. The added benefit? Blogs are one of the best ways to attract new customers and generate leads for your website. Blogs are often rich in industry keywords, improving your company’s SEO and search engine ranking. 

Marketing Blogs | Breakroom Operators | Digital Strategy

Blog articles published to your company’s website remain online far longer than any social media post. This means its content will continue to be helpful to your existing clients and effective in driving new website traffic for years to come.

VendCentral specializes in creating thoughtful and impactful digital marketing content for the refreshment services industry. If you would like to learn more about our marketing programs visit our website or call us at (866)699-8363

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Breakroom Operators: Let’s Improve Your Organic Search Results Breakroom Operators: Let’s Improve Your Organic Search Results

Written by Jen on March 31, 2022

Jen / March 31, 2022

Organic search is a top way for buyers to discover a breakroom operator’s products and services. It also allows them to understand who you are as a business, where you operate, and what current customers are saying about you. Your company’s organic search results cannot be improved through paid advertising.  Instead, achieving top ranking on search engines is the result of knowing how breakroom buyers shop online and how to influence your SEO. 

Keep reading to learn the tactics breakroom operators can implement to improve their organic search ranking and get their business, products, and services noticed online. 

What is Organic Search?

When a buyer enters a keyword or query into a search engine, the results they see are a combination of paid and organic search results.  After advertisements, organic search results are ranked in priority order.  If your website is fully optimized with industry-related keywords and content, it helps your SEO and allows your business to achieve higher rankings, gain organic traffic, and generate leads. Breakroom operators with high organic search rankings have a better likelihood of buyers of breakroom services finding their website.  

Compared to paid advertisements, organic search rankings cannot be bought. They are determined by the quality and quantity of your company’s online marketing content.

But what types of content benefit your SEO and what can you do to improve your company’s organic search rankings?

Business Listings | Social Media | Smart Website | Blogging

A smart website

Your website is the #1 tool to represent your company’s services online, generate leads, and close sales. Your website should host a wealth of content to support and promote all aspects of your breakroom services, including pantry service, micro-markets, vending, and office coffee. But your website’s design and its content not only affect the user experience, it also impacts your organic search rankings. That is why it is important for breakroom operators to create an SEO-focused website that ‘speaks the same language’ your buyers do.  A website with content that is rich in industry-related keywords and phrases specific to the refreshment services industry will make it easier for search engines to match your website with buyers searching for breakroom services.

Informative blog articles

Blogs are a great way to elaborate on topics of interest as well as highlight current breakroom trends.  Plus, blogs boost SEO by positioning your website as a source for relevant answers to prospective buyers’ questions. Blog posts that use a variety of keywords and on-page SEO tactics are recognized as more relevant and can give your business more opportunities to rank higher in search engines. Another benefit? Blogs help your business gain industry authority and trust with breakroom customers.

Social Media Content

Posting regular content to your social media platforms helps your company stay top of mind with existing customers and potential buyers of breakroom services.  In addition, having a social media presence helps increase your online visibility and supports SEO efforts to drive traffic to your website. Create posts with inbound links to your website and encourage those that engage with your content to click through.  This will increase your site’s popularity and credibility for organic search. Posts that tag relevant fellow businesses or clients will increase their exposure – and so will the likes they receive.  The more eyes on your content the better. You may even notice your social media profiles showing up near the top of online searches as well.

Online Business Listings

Finally, online business listings are important for SEO because they provide valuable information at a quick glance. Not only do they increase your visibility in local search, but they also increase your chances of ranking higher than competitors. Your business listing also provides a place for existing customers to review your breakroom business and drive more traffic to your website. 

Organic Search | Breakroom Operators | Website Ranking

Managing your online content to maximize SEO will help ensure your company ranks high in organic search and new leads discover your website.  Prospective buyers are looking online for breakroom solutions every day. When your website is optimized, potential customers have an easier time finding the breakroom refreshment products and services you offer and reaching out to you first.

If you’re a breakroom operator looking to improve your online presence and SEO, contact VendCentral. We are 100% focused on the refreshment services industry and develop results-oriented online marketing strategies for breakroom operators.

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Use Testimonials to Help Seal the Deal Use Testimonials to Help Seal the Deal

Written by Jen on March 16, 2022

Jen / March 16, 2022

Client testimonials are a mighty way to influence buyers of breakroom services – and operators who incorporate them into their digital marketing strategy are using a proven tactic to drive sales. Here we explore why testimonials work, how to obtain them, and where to incorporate them in your digital marketing strategy.

Why testimonials work

Buyers in every industry use the internet to search for new products and services and the refreshment services industry is no different.  A great company website can impress and inform but client testimonials go one step further in establishing trust and converting leads to customers.  In fact, 85% of buyers find testimonials as valuable as a personal recommendation from a friend or colleague.

Client testimonials can also have a positive impact on SEO. When testimonials are specific, they often contain “search worthy” keywords.  And, if properly promoted, they can boost your website’s ranking in organic search results. Better rankings drive more traffic to your site. Testimonials that include specific recommendations are also a great way to increase the awareness of particular products or services.  This can lead to upgrades with your existing customers too.

Obtaining testimonials

A great testimonial is often the result of great timing, so always keep the idea of collecting a testimonial top of mind.  Guide your customers toward providing the information you seek by asking them questions. Did your customer recently switch to single-cup coffee equipment? Ask them how their employees are enjoying the convenience.  Did they recently upgrade to pantry service? Invite them to tell you about their employees’ positive reaction to free snacks and beverages. Also ask them to share how your company handled communication, logistics, and service issues along the way.

Make it easy – The key to obtaining testimonials is to make it easy for your customers to contribute.  Email long-term customers to ask for a few words on your company’s behalf – and give them a prompt or a few simple questions to answer. If your customers are willing to provide you with a testimonial but are short on time, offer to co-write one with them or prepare one for them. Remember, if you are writing a testimonial on your customer’s behalf, be sure to get their approval before using it.

If you are reaching out to a relatively new customer, a quick call to check in on how things are going might be a better option.  If they respond favorably them, follow up with a request to quote them in an upcoming testimonial.  They will be pleased to know you value their comments.

Consider video – Video testimonials are growing in popularity, so consider getting a few of your own. According to LinkedIn, 79% of consumers say they have watched a video testimonial to learn more about a company, product, or service. Video testimonials don’t have to be rehearsed.  Many buyers love their authenticity. So, if you are on-site installing a new micro-market or hosting a fresh food or coffee tasting, seize the moment!  Speak with your client directly and obtain a video testimonial on the spot.

Regardless of how you obtain your testimonials, tailor them to be as detailed as possible.  In addition to the SEO benefits, buyers find detailed testimonials more unique, relevant, and tangible.

Customer Reviews | B2B Marketing | VendCentral

Marketing testimonials

Once you have obtained a variety of testimonials, it’s time to put them to work!

Showcase them on your website – If your company has acquired a lot of testimonials, it deserves a testimonial page on your website.  But, if you are still gathering them, don’t wait to show them off.  Testimonials are a perfect addition to a company’s home page or about page.  Sprinkling relevant testimonials on pages dedicated to specific breakroom products or services can provide key information right where buyers are seeking it too.

Post on Social Media – A steady stream of positive customer feedback posted on social media has many benefits.  Fresh new content that validates your breakroom services is always a win.  Including backlinks will drive traffic to specific pages on your website that pertain to your client’s testimonial too. Also, don’t forget to tag your clients who provide the testimonial.  Your post will be seen by all of your clients’ connections and your company will gain valuable exposure to prospects who value your client’s opinions.

Share as a Google Review – Ask your customers to post their testimonial (or a portion of it) as a Google Review and offer to show them how.  A positive Google Review will further enhance your company’s credibility and boost its ranking on Google search.

Client testimonials are an important component of your digital marketing strategy and can go a long way in influencing buyers of breakroom services. Unbiased input from customers in similar circumstances can certainly enhance lead generation and validate a buyer’s decision to become a customer. But, don’t underestimate how the process of collecting testimonials can enhance your relationships with existing customers too. The experience shows them you value their honest feedback and care about their input.  The information your clients share can praise what you are doing right, identify employees who are going above and beyond or offer chances for breakroom upgrades.  However, it can also reveal opportunities for improvement. Acting on your clients’ feedback, positive or negative, will help ensure you retain them for years to come.

VendCentral helps operators and manufacturers in the refreshment services industry with digital marketing strategies, website development, written content and creative design.   Contact us for a free consultation.

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Embracing Sustainability as a Breakroom Operator Embracing Sustainability as a Breakroom Operator

Written by Katie Waxman on February 17, 2022

Katie Waxman / February 17, 2022

More companies are going green and want to buy their products and services from businesses whose values align with their sustainability efforts. So, it comes as no surprise they will make purchasing decisions based on those criteria. In the refreshment services industry, there are many ways a breakroom operator can create a sustainable environment for customers in the breakroom that encourages well-being for employees and the planet.

In fact, many breakroom operators are already embracing sustainability in support of their vision for a greener breakroom experience. Check it out!



Breakroom operators are also promoting their sustainability efforts through online marketing tools.

🌍 A dedicated webpage to communicate the sustainability initiatives being implemented

🌍 Social media to keep followers informed of sustainable measures being taken

🌍 Blogs to report the positive effects your sustainable efforts are having on the environment


And, some breakroom operators are taking their sustainability efforts to the next level!

Canteen Canada Cafe William

Canteen Canada and their coffee roasting partner, Café William, are rethinking and strengthening their sustainability efforts. Together, they are building the first zero-emission sailing cargo ship to transport coffee beans from South America to its roasting plant in Sherbrooke, Ontario. With this project, they are putting a green foot forward to making a change together.

One Source Refreshment Sustainability

One Source Refreshment installed 554 roof-mounted solar panels on their 24,000 square foot facility in Pottstown, PA. As a result, the panels will produce 236,094 kWh in electricity each year, offsetting nearly 100% of their company’s energy usage. This is enough energy to power 22 homes, offsetting 183.6 tons of CO2 or 387.2 barrels of oil every year.

Vista Vending Magic Works

Magic Works Charitable Trust has been providing food and clothing to the homeless in the Seattle area for 24 years. For the last 6 years, Vista Vending has been there alongside them, donating unsold vending and micro-market food and drinks to them. Vista Vending is proud support a local charitable organization doing so much good for the community.










Going green is here to stay

If you are a breakroom operator, now is the perfect time to embrace sustainability and implement an eco-friendly strategy into your breakroom operations. Why? Because breakroom operators who create a sustainable breakroom environment for their customers will have an edge up on the competition simply because they are offering eco-friendly products, services, and technologies. Plus, companies want to partner with a breakroom operator that will share a common vision for a better, greener breakroom.

Going green is here to stay so make sure your business operations include sustainable products and eco-friendly services – your customers, the community, and our planet will appreciate it.


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