Your website’s About Us page is the place to share your vending company’s story. Why is that important? Because a good story can sell your vending services to customers. In particular, you want prospective breakroom customers to feel good about hiring you and buying your breakroom products.
An impactful About Us page will showcase the unique attributes of your vending business. It should have personality and represent your company’s values. The text should inspire confidence in the services you are offering. The page should resonate with the reader and make them feel good about entering into a business relationship with you. For many vending services companies, achieving the right tone and content can be difficult. Fear not. Vendcentral can help. Read on for our best About Us page tips.
The About Us needs a beginning
Start your About Us page with how and why your vending business began. Was it a family business now in the third generation? Did your vending services company grow out of a different business? Was it first started out of a desire to fulfill a specific customer or community need? Whatever the origin of your vending business story, let it be front and center.
What makes you special
Part of a good About Us page is its uniqueness. Therefore, include what makes your vending services company different from your competitor. Is it the diverse group of people that contribute to your team? Is it the family environment you create in your workplace? Have members of your company been recognized for their contributions to the vending industry? Perhaps it is your unique relationship with local providers. Put whatever makes your company different here.
Workplace values
Another About Us page must is stating your company values. What mantras do your employees embrace? Is it customer service, attention to detail, hard work, quick solutions, or integrity? Mention them. Aim for 3 to 5, not a long list that captures every value in the dictionary. Why? Because a long list will ring false. Plus, you don’t need all of them. Let’s say someone sees a company that promotes Family Values, Integrity, and Grit. That person doesn’t assume there won’t be good customer service because it wasn’t mentioned.

Why you are a great place to work
It’s not just decision-makers who read About Us pages. Potential employees do too! The About Us page will show them what your company stands for, how you care for your employees, and what your business culture is like. A well-crafted About Us page can make your company very attractive to valuable new talent.
Personal, yet professional tone
Finding the right tone can be difficult. In vending marketing, it is important to be friendly and upbeat, yet professional. Aim for positive stories and avoid too much vending or business jargon on this page.
Short and sweet
It can be difficult to determine which details to include on the About Us page. This is especially true if your company has been in business for many years. Your company’s milestones may help guide your way. Highlight important company growth and acquisitions and the people and passions that make your company thrive. Your goal is to make it a cohesive and well-rounded story.
Community and volunteer endeavors
People will like to hear how your company gives back to your community. Include community support and volunteer efforts, whether it is initiatives your company takes on as a whole or individual pursuits by your employees. These can be supported with pictures to bring an extra special touch to your page.
Tell the occasional anecdote
As you consider what should be on your About Us page, make sure to include anecdotes. Short, humorous stories or personal reflections from your team will stick in people’s minds. This will make your vending services company more real and memorable.
It might surprise you how many people visit the About Us page. Because of its popularity and importance, we consider it an essential part of a great vending website! Have a few people read your About Us page before publishing it be sure it flows well, is free of errors, and properly reflects your company and your team. If you want help creating a vending website with a great About Us page contact VendCentral. We build vending websites that generate leads and impress customers!
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