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Money Matters: Email Marketing Benefits, Part 2 Money Matters: Email Marketing Benefits, Part 2

Written by Katie Waxman on July 12, 2023

Katie Waxman / July 12, 2023

Welcome to part 2 of our blog series on the benefits of email marketing! If you didn’t catch part 1, make sure to give it a read first to learn about the first six ways it helps your vending business succeed. If you already know how it influences business-to-business decision-makers, then you’re ready to keep reading. In this final part, we’ll focus on the power of email marketing and how it saves money for vending operators.

7. Getting Low-Cost Leads

Email marketing is a great tool for increasing leads for your sales team. It removes the need for cold calling or having a feet-on-the-ground approach. With its personalized message, you can nurture email leads and guide them through the sales funnel, virtually. In addition, you can further qualify leads so your sales team has high-value prospects that are more likely to turn into new customers.

8. Reaching the Right People

Use email marketing to target messages to specific customers. For example, talk about the ease of vending machines to the facility manager. Or tout the corporate wellness benefits of your healthy snacks program to the human resource manager. In the end, this kind of marketing lets you create just the right message for the customer you’re hoping to reach. That will make them more likely to take action and stay engaged.

9. Marketing Cost Effectively

Without the need for printing, postage, or advertising space, email marketing can result in significant cost savings. Plus, your vending business still looks professional thanks to a well-designed layout and user-friendly email platform. Thus, this type of marketing is a truly budget-friendly solution.

10. Being Valuable to the Customer

Being quick and targeted means email marketing is more valuable to your customers. An email can share relevant updates, exclusive offers, and discounts, all of which are likely of interest to your clients. The more your content is relevant to your email list, the better you keep them engaged. That results in a higher ROI.

11. Owning Your Message

Email marketing gives you full control of your message. You control who sees your email and what they see. Therefore, it’s a direct line of communication. You do not need to rely on third parties or algorithms. Quite simply, you are in charge. That’s priceless.

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12. Driving Brand Awareness

When sent consistently, email marketing does a great job of promoting your brand. The content reinforces your message, showcases your break room products and services, and highlights your experience in the industry. It helps your vending company stay top-of-mind for your customers.

Use the Benefits of Email Marketing to Grow

In the end, a vending business can drive up lead quality and boost conversions with the help of digital marketing solutions, like emails. This will ultimately lead to growth from current and new customers.

Interested? Consider VendCentral as your go-to resource for personalized email marketing that can take your business to the next level! Reach out today at (866) 699-8363.

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