The customer-service platform ZippyAssist offers many operational advantages. These include instant customer feedback and a dashboard full of operational data. Check out our video overview here. But how do these drive sales? Read on for how ZippyAssist can increase sales at existing vending and even micro-market locations. Plus, how it helps you win new refreshment service bids.
Establish Trust
While consumers are more comfortable than ever with using vending machines, and unattended retail in general, there is still one major barrier – trust. Will the product get stuck? Who do I even go to for a refund? Did they restock today, or is my favorite chip slot still empty? These types of questions run through the mind of the consumer. Furthermore, they create doubt and limit the amount a consumer is willing to spend at your vending machine.
Thankfully, ZippyAssist inspires trust. How? By putting confidence back in the consumer’s hands. Now, they can provide feedback and make their voice heard. They know there is someone on the receiving end who will refund their money or restock that empty coil. If help was easier to access, 38% of customers would use unattended retail more. Those are already your vending customers and now they say they will spend more. That’s a huge win.
Ask for Feedback
Another useful feature of ZippyAssist is that it allows you to see individual customers. And you can use that to your advantage. Let’s say a consumer reached out to you via ZippyAssist. You solved the problem quickly, and as a result, they gave you a great rating on the platform. This person is now an advocate for your company. Ask them to go on your Google Business Listing page and leave a review. Ask them to post about the experience on your company’s Facebook page. Since facility managers and human resource professionals read reviews of potential service partners, this can be invaluable to your vending marketing.
Use ZippyAssist to Optimize Micro-Markets
While a micro-market doesn’t have the potential for a stuck coil, there are still ZippyAssist benefits. One is to use consumer feedback to improve service and product selection. Racks with empty pegs or shelves empty of food at 9 a.m. can be reported by consumers. These are potential sales if products were there. Plus, it gives you direct access to the consumer, instead of hearing product requests through the facility manager or human resources department. Encourage this type of feedback to optimize the micro-market service and ultimately increase sales at that location.
Stand Out to New Business
When competing with other vending or micro-market providers, it can be difficult to stand out. The customer sees similar machines, the same product brands, etc. However, what if they saw one company providing peace of mind through a customer-experience platform? That would be a tipping point. ZippyAssist is a value proposition that can be the tipping point for breakroom service decision-makers so you win the RFP.
ZippyAssist is a Business-Driving Tool
The desire to use unattended retail, such as vending machines and micro-markets is there. Consumers are more willing than ever to spend money at your equipment, but only if they have faith in it. Give them that sense of security and positive customer experience. It will, in turn, boost your sales and keep you from losing customers. You’ll even gain new ones thanks to your investment.
Talk to VendCentral about ZippyAssist today to really understand how it can benefit you. Reach out for a free consultation by email or phone at (866) 699-8363.
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It’s important for vending companies to understand a breakroom customer’s journey. Why? Because it is the key to attracting new business, matching a buyer with the right breakroom services, and closing a deal that will satisfy your customer for years to come.
If you’re looking to grow your breakroom services client list, try our 3 step process for success in the customer journey.
Step 1: Be Where Your Customers Are
Ask yourself this question: if an office or facility manager runs a Google search for ‘vending services near me,’ will they find your business? And if it does appear, where is it on the page?
Ideally, your vending business is a top result on the first page. That way all potential customers see it. But how does it get there? A great vending marketing plan is a good start.
However, there is more to effective vending marketing than just being seen on Google. Publishing blogs and articles will help reinforce your vending industry expertise and establish your company as a service leader. In addition, strong social media posts will help you establish a personal connection with potential buyers. It will also ensure you are top-of-mind to those looking for vending services.
Step 2: Anticipate (and Answer) Your Customer’s Questions
Over 90% of business-to-business (B2B) buyers conduct research online and the most popular resource is a supplier’s website. Does your vending website give potential customers the information they need? Many office and facility managers complain of a significant gap between the questions they have and what breakroom service providers share on their websites. Therefore, to win new business, you must provide potential clients with a website that is easy to navigate and filled with the information they want. It can really help to enlist a digital marketing specialist who knows what drives buyers and how to showcase your breakroom services to match.
Step 3: Bring It All Together to Seal the Deal
Once you have the attention of your potential breakroom service customer, then what? How do you prove that you are the best choice so they reach out and ultimately sign a contract? The answer is ensuring everything comes together online to provide a great user experience. From powerful SEO to engaging content to lead capturing technologies, a full-circle approach is needed to showcase your business, interest buyers, and capture leads. When your outreach is seamless, informative, engaging, and complete, then it’s easy to close the sale.
Ready to enhance your vending marketing to impress customers? VendCentral is dedicated to assisting breakroom service providers with vending marketing, including enriching the customer’s journey. Contact us for help navigating online marketing and creating strong business leads.
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For vending operators, developing an effective marketing plan can be overwhelming. That is why your vending marketing plan should start with a solid marketing strategy first. A marketing strategy is a foundation for any successful marketing plan. If you have not created a marketing strategy yet, useful tips can be found in our last article. If you are satisfied you have a great marketing strategy in place then let’s start discussing how to turn that strategy into action. That, in essence, is your marketing plan. Here are some things to consider:
Online Branding
The majority of a vending company’s marketing is now done online. It is important to remember that consistency is key. As you execute your marketing plan over multiple platforms be consistent in your brand look and messaging. Also, develop and maintain a consistent schedule with your content creation. And finally, ensure your marketing content is consistently supporting your marketing strategy.
Website Content
Your vending website is one of the biggest components of your online brand and marketing plan so it’s a good idea to start here first. Remember when you detailed your company’s mission and goals during your marketing strategy development? Your vending website should support them. It should also clearly show how your vending business differentiates itself from your competitors. If your website is outdated, it may be time to refresh your image to get off to a good start. Websites that are difficult to navigate or hard to read on mobile devices will lose your audience fast. Consider a website health check to see if a refresh is in order. A website refresh may also give you the opportunity to breathe new life into your company logo, brand colors, font styles, etc. These factors all contribute to your company’s brand image and personality online.
Remember, keeping your website updated and growing is an important part of your marketing plan. Add web pages to support new products, brands, or services. Consider publishing blogs to stay on top of new and trending topics. Your new content will continue to improve SEO performance, especially if it contains keywords potential clients might use to find you.
Social Media Content
In addition to your website, social media plays a huge role in vending marketing. If you’re happy with your website branding, terrific! Keep a consistent look on social media by using the same fonts, colors, taglines, etc. This will reinforce your brand image across your social media platforms.
What social media channels are your potential customers visiting? Are facility managers reading news feeds on LinkedIn? Do breakroom service providers read Google Business Reviews? You bet they are. Your marketing plan should include a social media posting schedule across these multiple platforms. This will help your company stay relevant and top of mind for current and potential customers. Don’t forget to use social media as a tool to direct potential and existing customers back to your website to learn more about you.
Marketing Messaging
No matter where you are posting your marketing content, your messaging should reinforce the goals established in your original marketing strategy. Include content that helps potential customers learn more about your business and the team that makes it thrive. Dive into important industry trends to reinforce your company’s expertise. Share customer reviews to show how you are helping customers improve their employee breakrooms – and even show off some of your incredible breakroom installs. Marketing content like this will help tell customers how you are different than your competitors.
Dedicate Resources
For your vending marketing plan to work, someone must build it and oversee it. This person, or team, will create a schedule for website growth, blogs, and social media posts. They will likely compliment it with email campaigns, print, grassroots marketing efforts, and more. They will also review key performance indicators to make sure your marketing plan is working. If no one can take on these responsibilities internally, consider outsourcing to a reputable marketing firm that specializes in vending marketing.
At VendCentral, we are dedicated to the vending industry and marketing to bring our clients new breakroom customers. To get a marketing plan started today, contact us online or call (866) 699-8363.
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Podcasts have seen tremendous growth. Forbes reports that in 2021, there were 116 million people listening to podcasts monthly. That number shows signs of going even higher in 2022.
Can vending operators use podcasts to boost business? Yes! Read on to learn more about using podcasts in your vending marketing.
Why people listen
There are many reasons podcasts are increasing in popularity. One reason is screen fatigue. Starting in 2020 (Covid19), people began spending more hours on screens. This includes working remotely, streaming content before and after work, as well as scrolling through social media. It’s nice to have a break. Yet, people still want to be tuned in to what’s happening and be entertained. That is where podcasts come in.
As an audio-only medium, podcasts are the perfect choice for making the most of leisure or errand time. More than half (52%) of listeners are tuning into podcasts while doing things at home, according to The Infinite Dial 2017. Another quarter is listening to podcasts on the go, from commuting via car to walking around on foot. The versatility of when and where people can listen to podcasts is part of what makes them so attractive. Plus, there is a podcast on nearly every subject. You can listen to one to boost professional development, be entertained, or explore a hobby. This variety in topics adds to podcasts’ overall appeal.
What to podcast
So how does a vending company break into the world of podcasts? A great way to start is by taking the digital content you already have and repurposing it for a podcast audience. Use the pages of your own website for inspiration. You could expand upon your origin story, company mission, and/or vision for the future in a podcast (all from your About Us page).
Another podcast idea is to discuss what’s new and trending in breakroom services. You might start by interviewing your employees. For example, what is it like to be a route driver in 2022? How have workplaces in your area changed in the past few years? Or, perhaps you would rather discuss how breakroom service technology is changing. You could report on the new services and hardware available along with how it benefits your vending customers and their employees. The sky is the limit on vending podcast topics. Try innovative food and beverage products, shifts in the way today’s workers are snacking, or anything that informs and educates listeners.
Get help from a host
When creating a podcast, a good host is invaluable. They can help guide the listener through the episode, add a level of professionalism to the finished product, and help you get your podcast published. Our talented friend, Cecil LeDesma, is an expert podcaster and can help you explore and create podcasts about a variety of topics that you or your business feel passionate about.
Podcasts are outside the box
Podcasts are not going away. Buzzsprout reports projections that listeners will exceed 160 million by 2024. This is a big reason for you to consider a podcast to market your vending business. It can help boost your brand and solidify your place as an expert. Most of all, it will reach an audience that could be potential clients.
There’s help along the way. VendCentral has been assisting breakroom service providers with vending marketing for decades. We can help you navigate the online marketing world to create strong business leads. Call (866) 699-8363 or email today.
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Operators and manufacturers are using blogs more and more to connect with customers, display their expertise, promote their breakroom products & equipment, and generate leads.
There are many ways to keep blogs engaging for breakroom customers. But what types of content work well in a blog? Read on to discover ideas for incorporating interesting and relevant blog content into your digital strategy. And stay tuned until the end to learn one of the biggest benefits of creating blogs.
Answer FAQ’s
It is easy for breakroom operators to identify frequently asked questions when servicing their clients. Write blogs that can be used as a customer service tool for answering them. Consider sending these blog articles to your clients proactively to show you are in tune with their needs and have resources to help them.
Promote New Products & Brands
Use blogs to let your clients know you are working hard to keep your snack, beverage, and fresh food assortments new and exciting. Blog articles are an interesting way to explore new flavors, brands, and seasonal items.
Explore Breakroom Trends
The refreshment services industry is constantly evolving and there are always new ideas to share. Blogs that identify and elaborate on breakroom trends are a valuable tool for your clients. They can also create opportunities for breakroom service and equipment upgrades.
Equipment Information
Breakroom equipment is constantly innovating. Write blogs that provide information on your most popular breakroom equipment – especially gourmet coffee brewers. These articles can help your clients maximize the use of their equipment and be helpful for troubleshooting problems too.
Industry expertise
Use blog articles as an outlet for demonstrating your industry knowledge. It will show you stay on top of what is happening in the industry and reinforce your company as a leader in refreshment services.
Build Trust
Blogs are a great way to establish a deeper connection with your clients, build trust, and enhance your company’s brand image. Use these articles to get a little personal. Share your company’s values, highlight outstanding employees, or explain what you are doing to contribute to your community.
There are so many ways blogs can be useful for your breakroom customers. The added benefit? Blogs are one of the best ways to attract new customers and generate leads for your website. Blogs are often rich in industry keywords, improving your company’s SEO and search engine ranking.
Blog articles published to your company’s website remain online far longer than any social media post. This means its content will continue to be helpful to your existing clients and effective in driving new website traffic for years to come.
VendCentral specializes in creating thoughtful and impactful digital marketing content for the refreshment services industry. If you would like to learn more about our marketing programs visit our website or call us at (866)699-8363