Philanthropy can do a lot for your company. The desire to promote the welfare of others with donations has a worthwhile impact on giftees. It also shapes the views of breakroom service customers and potential clients, earning you more loyalty. Employees find it rewarding, too, which leads to better retention. As a whole, it’s why giving back should be part of a successful vending business plan.
Let’s dig deeper into how philanthropy offers advantages to you as a business owner and your community.
Strengthens Current Customer Relationships
When your vending business makes an effort to give back, it’s noticed by your customers. They see how you support the community you serve, and you can convey your values on your About Us page. It also reinforces the relationship you have with them, building trust and customer loyalty.
Philanthropy Reaches Future Clients
Potential customers are seeking breakroom services from someone who knows the community. They want a partner who understands what the locals need and want. Thus, they get the best service for their offices and workplaces.
When you commit to the community, it shows you have an interest. Get involved with local organizations, and share your experience. This is important for key decision-makers when they’re deciding on vending and office coffee services. It also helps with your brand identity.
Boosts Employee Happiness
When your staff works in the community, it’s fulfilling. They get involved locally to do good. That builds strong team bonds and a sense of pride for their employer. You’ll retain more employees, avoiding the cost of hiring and training new staff. Doing good is just as rewarding for you and your staff as it is for those getting the donations.
Don’t overlook how philanthropy will appear to new talent. Showing that your vending company cares about local causes can attract hardworking new hires. They will see yours as a great place to work and want to join your team.
5 Ways Your Vending Company Can Give Back
1. Donate to a Food Bank
Move extra products out of the warehouse and into the food bank. Donate drinks, snacks, or prepared fresh food to help feed your community.
2. Volunteer to Serve Lunch
Contact a local shelter and offer to send volunteers. Your employees would likely love the chance to serve a meal and bond with co-workers.
3. Make a Financial Gift
Monetary donations to a local charity are always appropriate. It’s a great way to support those in need.
4. Sponsor a Local Youth Sports Group
Reach out to your park and recreation center or a sports complex to sponsor a team. It will benefit local youth, which helps strengthen your community. There might also be a chance to get your logo on the team uniform.
5. Collect Items for Needy Families
Whether it’s school supplies in the fall or toys during the holidays, collecting items for families is a great show of support. Put collection bins around your building and outside with a sign so the community can donate too.
Philanthropy Makes Business Sense
Helping others has benefits well beyond the obvious. It builds bonds with customers and shows your values to future clients. Employees feel rewarded and happy, which makes hiring and retention easier. So, whether it’s your time, supplies, or cash, make a local donation. Big or small, it will show you care about building a stronger community.
VendCentral Can Help You Spread the Word
We help vending operators enhance their digital footprint with our Monthly Marketing Programs. Let us build a stunning website for your company or create social selling and custom content that brings brand awareness. Both will drive traffic to your site, reach potential customers, and grow your business. Plus, it can promote all your team’s good deeds. Contact us to learn more!
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Research shows there is power in building a network. Those who actively network get more jobs, opportunities, industry knowledge, and respect. That makes it a valuable skill and crucial to growing your vending company. With that being said, networking looks different today than in the past. In fact, it can happen in many ways, including social media, trade shows, cold calling, or in-person meetings.
But what is networking, exactly? And how can you do it well? Read on to find out.
What is Networking?
To put it simply, it means talking to people. For instance, you might talk to them about trends or breakroom ideas. At other times you might talk about your services and how they fit their needs. This is the best kind of networking because it adds value to both people.
What Does Building a Network Look Like?
It’s no surprise that networking can take place anywhere. However, building it with other vending operators and industry members will likely take place at a tradeshow, a community event, or a seminar. Think mingling during happy hour at conferences or talking to your dinner neighbor at a sponsored event. It can also happen at educational seminars. Showing genuine interest in what the presenters have to offer is sure to leave a lasting impression. Plus, it opens the door to chatting with them and getting their contact information.
Don’t forget about posting and commenting on social media platforms. Yes, it’s a new(er) yet vital place to connect with people. For some, it’s preferred. According to Novorésumé, 40% of people would rather network online. So, get out there and post!
What are the Benefits?
Networking is good for your reputation. How, might you ask? First, it adds to your business profile, leading others to see you as well-informed. On the flip side, it can help you gain industry knowledge. For example, you might learn new solutions that enhance your vending services.
Additionally, every connection you make will “humanize” your company. People like to do business with other people, not companies. Therefore, your connections to people can lead directly to new customers and more prospects. It’s also a way to showcase your brand and boost loyalty. That ultimately helps you can gain referrals and drive-up sales!
Network Often, Everywhere, to Win
In summary, networking is a must to grow your vending business naturally. Don’t wait. Start building your vending network now and reap the rewards.
Want some help with online networking? VendCentral has digital sales and marketing experts ready to assist. Our team specializes in the vending, micro-market, pantry, and office coffee service industry to help you grow sales. Contact us today at info@vendcentral.com or (866) 699-8363.
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A growth strategy is important after your vending website is built. It will help maximize your website’s performance and attract valuable leads. Your vending website is your strongest marketing tool and online investment. Maintaining it is key to its long-term success. But what should your website’s growth strategy look like? Read our 3 steps-to-success specifically for vending websites.
1. Grow Your Web Content
Regularly adding content to your vending website has a more positive impact on marketing and sales than a redesign every few years. Therefore, you will want to add new web pages and update existing ones routinely. Consider what content will support your sales goals. Plus, what type of content will enhance your SEO. For example, let’s say you create a web page for a new service offering. Anyone who searches for that type of service should see your website suggested. The same is true if you feature trendy new products or showcase a specific coffee brewer. Get on a schedule where you regularly evaluate, update, and add content to your website.
2. Blogs are Key to a Growth Strategy
Writing blog posts is a vital way to stay current. Blogs allow you to communicate frequently with customers on a variety of topics. Blogs also show you’re an authority on top vending industry trends. Finally, blog articles go a long way toward enhancing your website’s SEO. For instance, when you write about services or products, those keywords are associated with your vending website. Therefore, your website will show up in search results more often and attract more breakroom leads.
Here’s a bonus tip: Once you publish a blog on your website, share it on social media. It
doesn’t have to be a long post; a short sentence with hashtags will do. Your social media post gives your blog more exposure and opportunity for views. Don’t forget to add an image, which increases the chance it will be noticed.
3. Keep Your Website Clean
Every website needs housekeeping now and again. Check that your address, phone number, and email are correct. Also review all the links and menu options. You want to ensure those links go where they should. It is vital for an overall positive customer experience. After all, your website’s performance can affect how potential customers feel about you. A statistic from econsultancy reports that 80% of consumers are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience. So, don’t let a broken link stop your vending company from getting a qualified lead.
Another website section to check is service areas. If you have expanded into new cities or counties, be sure they are mentioned on your site. Ditto for product and equipment additions. You’ll want the most current information available for your existing and potential customers.
A Website Growth Strategy Opens More Doors to Success
Use our tips as a guide and create a website growth strategy of your own. It will help you keep your vending website performing at its best. Add content, write blogs, and check your online information. It will ensure your vending website remains a powerful sales tool available to customers 24/7.
If you need help with your vending website or are looking for powerful online sales and marketing tools, contact VendCentral. We specialize in digital marketing for the breakroom services industry. From a growth strategy to a marketing plan, we can maximize sales for your vending business. Reach out to info@vendcentral.com or (866) 699-8363 to get started.
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Podcasts have seen tremendous growth. Forbes reports that in 2021, there were 116 million people listening to podcasts monthly. That number shows signs of going even higher in 2022.
Can vending operators use podcasts to boost business? Yes! Read on to learn more about using podcasts in your vending marketing.
Why people listen
There are many reasons podcasts are increasing in popularity. One reason is screen fatigue. Starting in 2020 (Covid19), people began spending more hours on screens. This includes working remotely, streaming content before and after work, as well as scrolling through social media. It’s nice to have a break. Yet, people still want to be tuned in to what’s happening and be entertained. That is where podcasts come in.
As an audio-only medium, podcasts are the perfect choice for making the most of leisure or errand time. More than half (52%) of listeners are tuning into podcasts while doing things at home, according to The Infinite Dial 2017. Another quarter is listening to podcasts on the go, from commuting via car to walking around on foot. The versatility of when and where people can listen to podcasts is part of what makes them so attractive. Plus, there is a podcast on nearly every subject. You can listen to one to boost professional development, be entertained, or explore a hobby. This variety in topics adds to podcasts’ overall appeal.
What to podcast
So how does a vending company break into the world of podcasts? A great way to start is by taking the digital content you already have and repurposing it for a podcast audience. Use the pages of your own website for inspiration. You could expand upon your origin story, company mission, and/or vision for the future in a podcast (all from your About Us page).
Another podcast idea is to discuss what’s new and trending in breakroom services. You might start by interviewing your employees. For example, what is it like to be a route driver in 2022? How have workplaces in your area changed in the past few years? Or, perhaps you would rather discuss how breakroom service technology is changing. You could report on the new services and hardware available along with how it benefits your vending customers and their employees. The sky is the limit on vending podcast topics. Try innovative food and beverage products, shifts in the way today’s workers are snacking, or anything that informs and educates listeners.
Get help from a host
When creating a podcast, a good host is invaluable. They can help guide the listener through the episode, add a level of professionalism to the finished product, and help you get your podcast published. Our talented friend, Cecil LeDesma, is an expert podcaster and can help you explore and create podcasts about a variety of topics that you or your business feel passionate about.
Podcasts are outside the box
Podcasts are not going away. Buzzsprout reports projections that listeners will exceed 160 million by 2024. This is a big reason for you to consider a podcast to market your vending business. It can help boost your brand and solidify your place as an expert. Most of all, it will reach an audience that could be potential clients.
There’s help along the way. VendCentral has been assisting breakroom service providers with vending marketing for decades. We can help you navigate the online marketing world to create strong business leads. Call (866) 699-8363 or email today.
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