Is a Vending Marketing Program in your business plan for next year? If not, you may want to consider it. The right Vending Marketing Program can act as a compass to guide your refreshment services business toward success. How exactly? Well, that’s what this blog is all about. Keep reading to find out the seven reasons why you should invest in a Vending Marketing Program.
1. Capitalize on Marketing Trends
Running a business dedicated to breakroom services takes time and know-how. That makes it hard to also captialize on marketing trends, which change often. Fortunately, that is exactly what a Vending Marketing Program does. The VendCentral team is committed to modern, effective, and on trend marketing practices that work for our industry. We ensure your refreshment services business utilizes the right methods and to keep pace with how customers are shopping.
2. Stand Above the Competition
VendCentral offers a variety of programs tailored to your needs. We look at your company, your goals, and your location. Then we put together an action plan to boost your SEO and give you an edge over your competition.
3. Amplify Sales and Conversion Rates
The best sales tools for your vending business are your website and marketing strategy. It is these that bring HR and facility managers in for a look and then turn them into customers. VendCentral will guide these prospects from interest to contract, boosting your sales.
4. Forge Lasting Customer Connections
VendCentral’s marketing programs not only bring in prospects, they also grow existing client relationships. Tailored web content and social media are effective at fostering loyalty. This leads to more referrals, upgrades, and overall growth for your vending company.
5. Grow through Data-Driven Insights
Marketing can be hard to analyze. Is it attracting new clients? How about expanding your reach? To answer these questions, VendCentral uses a data-driven approach. We look at the analytics in order to refine marketing strategies and boost the effectiveness of your program.
6. Adapt to Industry Shifts
The convenience services industry has shifted and evolved over the years to give customers what they want. Your marketing approach needs to stay nimble too. Your online messaging to prospects and clients must always be up to date and on target. Our programs refine your approach as needed with plenty of marketing expertise.
7. Strengthen Brand Identity
Customers, prospects, and even potential new employees must be able to clearly understand and connect with your vending company. That’s why our marketing programs consistently reinforce your brand identity. This fosters recognition and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.
A Vending Marketing Program Leads to Higher Sales
In the end, a VendCentral marketing program provides a clear pathway to growth for your refreshment services business. Our know-how helps you navigate your marketing through a dynamic landscape and come out ahead.
Learn more about the different marketing programs available. Or, contact VendCentral to discuss which Vending Marketing Program works best for you. You can reach us at (866) 699-8363 or info@vendcentral.com.
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Podcasts have seen tremendous growth. Forbes reports that in 2021, there were 116 million people listening to podcasts monthly. That number shows signs of going even higher in 2022.
Can vending operators use podcasts to boost business? Yes! Read on to learn more about using podcasts in your vending marketing.
Why people listen
There are many reasons podcasts are increasing in popularity. One reason is screen fatigue. Starting in 2020 (Covid19), people began spending more hours on screens. This includes working remotely, streaming content before and after work, as well as scrolling through social media. It’s nice to have a break. Yet, people still want to be tuned in to what’s happening and be entertained. That is where podcasts come in.
As an audio-only medium, podcasts are the perfect choice for making the most of leisure or errand time. More than half (52%) of listeners are tuning into podcasts while doing things at home, according to The Infinite Dial 2017. Another quarter is listening to podcasts on the go, from commuting via car to walking around on foot. The versatility of when and where people can listen to podcasts is part of what makes them so attractive. Plus, there is a podcast on nearly every subject. You can listen to one to boost professional development, be entertained, or explore a hobby. This variety in topics adds to podcasts’ overall appeal.
What to podcast
So how does a vending company break into the world of podcasts? A great way to start is by taking the digital content you already have and repurposing it for a podcast audience. Use the pages of your own website for inspiration. You could expand upon your origin story, company mission, and/or vision for the future in a podcast (all from your About Us page).
Another podcast idea is to discuss what’s new and trending in breakroom services. You might start by interviewing your employees. For example, what is it like to be a route driver in 2022? How have workplaces in your area changed in the past few years? Or, perhaps you would rather discuss how breakroom service technology is changing. You could report on the new services and hardware available along with how it benefits your vending customers and their employees. The sky is the limit on vending podcast topics. Try innovative food and beverage products, shifts in the way today’s workers are snacking, or anything that informs and educates listeners.
Get help from a host
When creating a podcast, a good host is invaluable. They can help guide the listener through the episode, add a level of professionalism to the finished product, and help you get your podcast published. Our talented friend, Cecil LeDesma, is an expert podcaster and can help you explore and create podcasts about a variety of topics that you or your business feel passionate about.
Podcasts are outside the box
Podcasts are not going away. Buzzsprout reports projections that listeners will exceed 160 million by 2024. This is a big reason for you to consider a podcast to market your vending business. It can help boost your brand and solidify your place as an expert. Most of all, it will reach an audience that could be potential clients.
There’s help along the way. VendCentral has been assisting breakroom service providers with vending marketing for decades. We can help you navigate the online marketing world to create strong business leads. Call (866) 699-8363 or email today.
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