When it’s time for your vending company to create a new website there’s a lot to consider. After all, this is where facility managers and human resource managers learn about your company. The new website needs to showcase your brand identity and offer everything your current customers and prospects want to learn.
To get you started, here are some of our new vending website MUSTS.
Start With Services & Products
A clear message about what your vending company offers must be front and center. That means links for each service. In fact, each service should have at least one dedicated webpage. Focus on showing the service with great-looking custom pictures. Plus, include short descriptions that tell why the service is a benefit.
Enhance the User Experience
For business-to-business (B2B) websites like yours, it’s important to optimize the customer experience. Ensure information is up-to-date, links work, and most importantly, everything loads quickly. Nothing frustrates potential clients more than a website that takes several seconds to load (or never does).
It is also critical your new website displays well on a mobile device. Statista reports that 16% of B2B website traffic was from mobile in 2022. The number is growing, suggesting that mobile devices will be used more in the future. Don’t miss a sale because you’re counting on a desktop user! Ensure your website is mobile-optimized.
A New Vending Website Needs Custom Content
Your vending website needs to show who you are as a company. That means personalization. Be open to including photos of your team, warehouse, and the breakrooms you service. Having more than stock photos on your website will help decision-makers relate to your business. A great place to personalize is an About Us page, which can tell your company’s story.
On your new website, don’t forget to create a space for blogs. Writing a blog is a great way to highlight your vending business’ personality, showcase the breakroom services you offer, and help your search engine optimization (SEO).
Generate Leads With a New Vending Website
Your website acts as a sales tool 24/7. Ensure it’s seen by focusing on services and custom content that is full of SEO keywords. That way prospects in your area find your refreshment services company.
Need to know more about what makes a good vending website? Ask VendCentral, the convenience services industry’s digital marketing experts. We offer different levels of marketing support to match your need. Learn more about how one of our vending marketing programs can drive sales by contacting us at info@vendcentral.com or (866) 699-8363.