A growth strategy is important after your vending website is built. It will help maximize your website’s performance and attract valuable leads. Your vending website is your strongest marketing tool and online investment. Maintaining it is key to its long-term success. But what should your website’s growth strategy look like? Read our 3 steps-to-success specifically for vending websites.
1. Grow Your Web Content
Regularly adding content to your vending website has a more positive impact on marketing and sales than a redesign every few years. Therefore, you will want to add new web pages and update existing ones routinely. Consider what content will support your sales goals. Plus, what type of content will enhance your SEO. For example, let’s say you create a web page for a new service offering. Anyone who searches for that type of service should see your website suggested. The same is true if you feature trendy new products or showcase a specific coffee brewer. Get on a schedule where you regularly evaluate, update, and add content to your website.
2. Blogs are Key to a Growth Strategy
Writing blog posts is a vital way to stay current. Blogs allow you to communicate frequently with customers on a variety of topics. Blogs also show you’re an authority on top vending industry trends. Finally, blog articles go a long way toward enhancing your website’s SEO. For instance, when you write about services or products, those keywords are associated with your vending website. Therefore, your website will show up in search results more often and attract more breakroom leads.
Here’s a bonus tip: Once you publish a blog on your website, share it on social media. It
doesn’t have to be a long post; a short sentence with hashtags will do. Your social media post gives your blog more exposure and opportunity for views. Don’t forget to add an image, which increases the chance it will be noticed.
3. Keep Your Website Clean
Every website needs housekeeping now and again. Check that your address, phone number, and email are correct. Also review all the links and menu options. You want to ensure those links go where they should. It is vital for an overall positive customer experience. After all, your website’s performance can affect how potential customers feel about you. A statistic from econsultancy reports that 80% of consumers are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience. So, don’t let a broken link stop your vending company from getting a qualified lead.
Another website section to check is service areas. If you have expanded into new cities or counties, be sure they are mentioned on your site. Ditto for product and equipment additions. You’ll want the most current information available for your existing and potential customers.
A Website Growth Strategy Opens More Doors to Success
Use our tips as a guide and create a website growth strategy of your own. It will help you keep your vending website performing at its best. Add content, write blogs, and check your online information. It will ensure your vending website remains a powerful sales tool available to customers 24/7.
If you need help with your vending website or are looking for powerful online sales and marketing tools, contact VendCentral. We specialize in digital marketing for the breakroom services industry. From a growth strategy to a marketing plan, we can maximize sales for your vending business. Reach out to info@vendcentral.com or (866) 699-8363 to get started.