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Fun Facts with Co-Founder and CEO, Neil Swindale Fun Facts with Co-Founder and CEO, Neil Swindale

Written by Katie Waxman on September 23, 2024

Katie Waxman / September 23, 2024

We recently sat down with our co-founder and CEO of VendCentral, Neil Swindale, to share his story. Through the years, Neil’s positive attitude and vision reflect everything we do today to help our customers and grow our dynamic team.

Neil’s Early Days

Neil grew up in New Zealand until he was about 19 and then came to the U.S. on a basketball scholarship. “Today, a lot of kids from New Zealand come to America to play basketball, but I was one of the first five to ever come. So, it was kind of a big deal. Everyone thought I was Larry Bird!” Neil laughs.

He played four years of college basketball in the U.S. During that time, he met an American girl, got married, and then they moved back to New Zealand for about eight years, while he was still playing basketball professionally in New Zealand.

Neil Childhood

In his basketball days, playing as 6′ 6” small forward on various New Zealand semi pro teams and occasionally the New Zealand National team, Neil realized his skill set was versatile. “I wasn’t great at anything. But I was pretty good at most things. I could bring the ball up if the guys needed help. I could shoot threes, I could rebound or play deep, which is funny because it’s sort of what I do now at VendCentral. I bump around and do a whole bunch of stuff.”

Neil moved back to America in his 30s as a young father with two kids. “I never had a job before so I was like, what am I going to do? And, boom, my first job was with Coca-Cola in the vending industry. That was 27 years ago and I’ve never left. The vending industry is all I know.”

With the sales job at Coca-Cola, Neil also realized his knack for sales. “I was good at talking to people. And that all came from basketball.” He says he didn’t realize that all the intangible skills he learned playing sports would translate over to running a business.

He worked for Coca-Cola for about two years as a sales rep to vending companies in the Bay Area, taking orders and helping them with any problems and making sure they all were taken care of. It was then that he became intrigued by the vending world.

“I feel like everyone became my friends. I fell in love with small businesses, and in my whole career, that hasn’t changed. I loved calling on the vending guys.”

Neil went from a Coca-Cola sales rep of the Bay Area, to a position with Pepsi Frito-Lay for northern California for 5.5 years, to a position with Nestle Waters for the entire western United States for another 6 years – still calling on the vending companies and loving the relationships formed along his many routes.

He also started his own small vending company called Pacific Refreshments as a side hustle. “I started putting vending machines around town, and it did very well. I absolutely loved being out in my truck, filling machines, and talking to customers.”

Neil was the first vending company in the Bay Area to build a website for his business, and it was then he asked himself a question: “What if I could become the website guru for the whole vending industry?” He sold his vending company and started building websites for his friends who owned vending companies.

“It started with these one-off websites, and then it parlayed out into full online strategies and social media on an ongoing monthly marketing basis. And here we are today with over 500 websites built!”

Entrepreneurial Eagle Eye

Neil admits he has had a flurry of ideas over the years particularly in New Zealand between seasons as a professional basketball player to keep a few dollars coming in. For example, he started a New Zealand version of the Harlem Globetrotters. “I had a fun basketball team called the Lunchtime All-Stars. And all of us professional basketball players that were available that day would go to the high schools and elementary schools and put on a one-hour basketball show. And it was us professionals versus the high school kids in a showcase with music, mascots, free gifts, and T-shirts, the works!”

Another venture he had, while working for an egg company, he saw an opportunity where he could do a side hustle on the weekend. So, he started buying pallets of small eggs and then selling them at the flea market on the weekends. “Whenever I see an opportunity, I jump on it!” Neil laughs.

His favorite job in his early days? Working as a bellhop after he graduated from high school at a hotel in New Zealand. “I would park their car and take their luggage to the room, and I loved it. I got to talk to a hundred different people every day.”

He also reflects back and adds, “I’ve had some crappy jobs along the way, and I still loved them. I think that’s a theme now that I’m coming up on 60 years old. I can look back and say wow, everything I do, I just loved doing it. And that translates to today. I’ve always had an eagle entrepreneurial eye. And, no matter what I do, I love it.”

Neil Hiking

He adds, “For me, it’s more resilience and hustle, and I’ve surrounded myself with quite a few bright people these days, and it makes things easier. Now, I can just go and do what I do and then let the brains take over!”

Unwind and Relax

In his spare time, Neil’s favorite way to unwind is hiking. “I like to ‘go into the bush’ because it’s so peaceful, and I can relax.” His favorite places have been hiking trips to Iceland as well as New Zealand. At least a few times a week, he enjoys local spots to hike – to be out in nature.

Neil also enjoys weightlifting regularly. “I think it keeps your brain engaged, and I can do it while I take calls too!”

Family Is Key to Success

Family and friends are one of the keys to his success, Neil shares. “I believe that as you go through life, you’re going to have these big ups and downs, and occasionally life is going to deliver some issues. Having your family and friends there to help you navigate it is so important. A number of friends work within VendCentral. And my best friend from high school is Greg Elisara, co-owner of ZippyAssist. We have been best mates for more than 45 years.” And he values these long-time relationships.

Neil is also proud to have a couple family members on the VendCentral team as well – his son Zack Swindale and daughter-in-law Becca Swindale. His daughter Haley has also been on the VendCentral team.

Positivity and a Growing Dynamic Team

What makes a great team? Neil says, “We can’t go anywhere without an organized team behind us. We try to put a lot of emphasis on everyone – and having fun too. I’ve recognized my strengths and weaknesses, and I rely on our dynamic team. The culture of the company reflects back to our customers as well, and I love that they recognize this.”

He adds: “We want that really special relationship with our customers and the entire industry. And all that positivity, as they say, the universe attracts. That’s just a reflection of lots of years of being really positive. And that positivity means great opportunities are now happening for us.”

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