More companies are going green and want to buy their products and services from businesses whose values align with their sustainability efforts. So, it comes as no surprise they will make purchasing decisions based on those criteria. In the refreshment services industry, there are many ways a breakroom operator can create a sustainable environment for customers in the breakroom that encourages well-being for employees and the planet.
In fact, many breakroom operators are already embracing sustainability in support of their vision for a greener breakroom experience. Check it out!
Breakroom operators are also promoting their sustainability efforts through online marketing tools.
🌍 A dedicated webpage to communicate the sustainability initiatives being implemented
🌍 Social media to keep followers informed of sustainable measures being taken
🌍 Blogs to report the positive effects your sustainable efforts are having on the environment
And, some breakroom operators are taking their sustainability efforts to the next level!

Canteen Canada and their coffee roasting partner, Café William, are rethinking and strengthening their sustainability efforts. Together, they are building the first zero-emission sailing cargo ship to transport coffee beans from South America to its roasting plant in Sherbrooke, Ontario. With this project, they are putting a green foot forward to making a change together.

One Source Refreshment installed 554 roof-mounted solar panels on their 24,000 square foot facility in Pottstown, PA. As a result, the panels will produce 236,094 kWh in electricity each year, offsetting nearly 100% of their company’s energy usage. This is enough energy to power 22 homes, offsetting 183.6 tons of CO2 or 387.2 barrels of oil every year.

Magic Works Charitable Trust has been providing food and clothing to the homeless in the Seattle area for 24 years. For the last 6 years, Vista Vending has been there alongside them, donating unsold vending and micro-market food and drinks to them. Vista Vending is proud support a local charitable organization doing so much good for the community.
Going green is here to stay
If you are a breakroom operator, now is the perfect time to embrace sustainability and implement an eco-friendly strategy into your breakroom operations. Why? Because breakroom operators who create a sustainable breakroom environment for their customers will have an edge up on the competition simply because they are offering eco-friendly products, services, and technologies. Plus, companies want to partner with a breakroom operator that will share a common vision for a better, greener breakroom.
Going green is here to stay so make sure your business operations include sustainable products and eco-friendly services – your customers, the community, and our planet will appreciate it.

Gone are the days when placing an online order was considered a luxury. It is now an expectation for customers, including those in the refreshment services industry. But, online ordering not only makes it easy for OCS customers to order products where and when it’s convenient for them. It’s a legitimate way for breakroom operators to increase sales and cut operational costs.
That is why VendCentral recently teamed with Supply Wizards to help our clients add and promote online ordering capabilities. Supply Wizards specializes in the refreshment services industry. Their online ordering system is fast and easy to implement. Plus, it can function independently or seamlessly integrate with your existing vending management system.
Are you a breakroom operator interested in upgrading from taking orders via phone, email, and fax? Want to explore a streamlined, more reliable process? If so, read more to learn the many benefits Supply Wizards can provide.
A personalized experience for your customers
Supply Wizards allows you to customize your online store by individual customer account. Do you have a variety of pricing, payment terms, or product offerings in your contracts? No problem. Each customer has their own login to the online ordering platform and a unique experience based on their contract. You can even provide budget tracking in the system for customers who request it.
Increased order sizes
Online ordering not only increases customer satisfaction and loyalty. It can also boost sales by encouraging customers to order more. Supply Wizards builds an intuitive product recommendation feature into their platform. And the power of suggestive selling is real. Customers often add on recommended items or additional products available to them through the browse feature. Studies have shown that 52% of customers on the Supply Wizards ordering platform use these features. This means a bigger average order size for you. In fact, breakroom operators report an average order increase of 14% after implementing Supply Wizards for their OCS customers.
Influence over what’s purchased
In addition to the recommended products feature, the Supply Wizards platform includes dedicated space for promotional ads. VendCentral can work with you to design promotions that move slow sellers, introduce new products, or reward customers for buying more. For clients on select marketing programs, VendCentral can further promote these specials through exclusive website features, social media, or email campaigns.
Streamlined operations
Staffing shortages have become a significant pain point for breakroom operators. Keeping up with customer orders across various methods can be time-consuming, create bottlenecks in the system, and cause inaccuracies that lead to dissatisfied OCS customers. Supply Wizards streamlines order management for more efficient back-end operations. Orders can now be processed by your team with little to no manual effort. Breakroom operators using Supply Wizards report significant decreases in operational expenses – enough savings that the Supply Wizards system actually pays for itself.
Better inventory management
One of the biggest challenges for breakroom operators is efficiently managing their inventory. Supply Wizards seamlessly integrates into your existing vending management system. Once items are set as out of stock, they are automatically hidden from the customer’s view on the Supply Wizards ordering platform. They will not reappear on the ordering platform until they are acknowledged as back in your inventory.
An online ordering system can be a powerful addition to your website – loved by your existing customers and impressive to new prospects. With Supply Wizards, adding online ordering to your website is easy and completed in only a few short weeks. In the end, the only thing breakroom operators wish is that they had done it sooner. If you are ready to see the Supply Wizards ordering platform in action, VendCentral can help. We will arrange a quick demo and show you how we can help launch and promote your new online ordering capabilities. Contact us and our team will help you get started!