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3 Reasons Your Website Needs a Blog

3 Reasons Your Website Needs a Blog

Written by Katie Waxman on October 3, 2021

Katie Waxman / October 3, 2021



Most businesses understand the importance of a digital presence, and many have a website and social media accounts. Your company may feel it is not necessary to have a blog if your business is not focused on content. But actually, all kinds of businesses can benefit greatly by keeping an active blog. Here are 3 ways a blog can help boost your business.

1. It helps gain more visibility for your business

If you build it, they will come, right? Not exactly.  It’s crucial that potential customers are able to easily find your site. Starting a blog can help with that–the more outbound links that redirect to your website, the higher you’ll rank in search results.

Additionally, consumers want to know more about your business. You can use the blog to explain who you are, your company culture, and provide examples of your work. Highlight new and interesting things happening in your business and your industry. It’s absolutely true that prospects will be more inclined to buy your services the more they feel they know you and your business.

2. It drives traffic to your website

SEO and content go hand in hand, and many websites with high traffic have varying types of online content to attract users from different sources. If you are struggling to get users to your site, then adding a blog is a smart strategy. When your articles use the right keywords, they can be picked up by Google searches. As a result, they can bring new users to your website.  These new users can be quickly converted to paying customers if the other parts of your website are well designed.

3. It compliments your social media and email campaigns

When it comes to digital marketing, everything works together. It is important not to view your website, blog, social media channels, and email marketing separately as they are all part of the same entity – your branding. If you want a successful social media presence, then your blog content is a vital part of that. Publishing blog content on social media can direct traffic from your social media platforms to your website. It’s also true with email marketing; the most effective email campaigns contain links to blog posts.

These days, a blog is an essential part of a solid marketing content strategy. There are so many benefits to having one, including the ability to increase sales and interest in your business. A blog can better inform consumers about your company, drive traffic to your website, and increase the effectiveness of  your social media and email campaigns.  Not sure where to start?  Rely on VendCentral’s team of content writers to create engaging blogs on behalf of your business. Contact us  to start the conversation!

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