Five years ago, we shared the philosophy of Karmic Management and how it influenced VendCentral’s team and business approach. Our founder, Neil Swindale, connected with the concept when he first read the book Karmic Management many years prior and its principles continue to shape the way our company operates and grows. Today, the idea of good karma is still one of the cornerstones of our vending marketing agency. Here are some of the biggest ways it is impacting our own people and our relationships with clients.
Do for Others
We believe in putting out into the world what we hope to get back. Because of that, VendCentral nurtures an honest and ethical team with a strong desire to do for others. We know it is just as much our people as our business practices that turn new customers into long-term clients. We aim to foster a supportive community within the vending industry and to lend a hand to hardworking breakroom operators, whether they are our clients or not. To us, it’s just as important as hitting profit goals. In our practice of doing for others, we have been fortunate to gain valuable friends and business relationships in the vending industry and grow our revenues.
Build the Connection
Our relationships with our clients are just that: relationships. And, we know a great relationship can’t result from two people just doing their own thing. We invest in building a connection with our clients that generates positive energy for us both. The foundation of that relationship is communication, collaboration, and respect. Through it, we gain a deeper understanding of our client’s business goals. For those relationships to be strong long-term, VendCentral invests in learning, growing, and adapting to our client’s changing needs. It has allowed us to exceed our client’s expectations as they evolve.
Be Comfortable with Change
Growing a small business is the result of being open and responsive to change all of the time. And in the world of digital marketing things are changing all of the time too. Our mindset is to view change as an opportunity, even when it’s hard. Change, in itself, is the constant we can always count on in the vending industry, in digital marketing, and in our own lives as well.
Live (and work) with Purpose
Personally, and professionally, we believe life is much fuller when we live it with purpose. Our purpose at VendCentral is to use our talents to help vending operators succeed online. Through authentic customer engagement, we drive new businesses to increase their sales and profits. For us, it means more than building vending websites or developing marketing programs. It means helping family-run operators thrive. It means secure jobs for route drivers. It means spreading the word on what better breakroom services can do for employees and communities across the nation. It means spreading good karma.
VendCentral is laser-focused on supporting the vending industry. To discover how our marketing programs can help you achieve your sales goals contact us or call (866) 699-8363.
read moreHow Karmic Management Influences Our Business
At VendCentral, we believe in Karmic Management. If you’ve never heard of it, Karmic Management is the title of a book, but also a business philosophy based on the idea that good service leads to good karma. While it may sound more spiritual than business-like, it really is a universal concept that extends through our everyday life, from personal interactions to work ethics.
What goes around, comes around

M&M Sales Company, Lafayette LA
At the core of our business philosophy is the idea that everyone prefers to deal with honest and ethical people. We recognize their humility and the good things they do for others. In business too, customers and stakeholders prefer to work with companies who are open and stand for something more than just making money. You can see this in your own business. When you provide excellent service and sell high quality products, you are doing good to others and receive good karma in return. This manifests in repeat customers and growing revenues. If you exceed expectations, you will receive good karma multiplied and attract more positive business associations.
Focused on purpose and people
Another part of our philosophy is having purpose. Live with purpose. Do business with purpose. This will help you be happier in life. Translated to business, this means having a company mission. Ours is to use computer and online marketing skills to help vending operators grow. We look at what we do as more than building websites or creating content. All our vending operator customers have employees. The better the vending operation does, the more secure those employees’ jobs become. If that success can be partially attributed to our services of creating successful online webpages and marketing dedicated to driving up sales for each company, it means we are helping people in communities across the United States. Our service means good Karma.

Charley Nelms, President of Texas vending association & Neil Swindale, at their annual meeting
While you can have both good service and strong purpose, it may not matter without a positive attitude. Outwardly, an optimistic attitude conveys your good intentions and shows the performance of good deeds. Internally, the attitude creates a culture of productivity and creativity, not to mention a great place to work with loyal employees who love their job.
Karmic Management is our goal at VendCentral. We build relationships with vending operators that focus on open and honest communication. We strive for great service, a strong purpose, and positive attitude that will attract good fortune and grow our customers’ businesses. We believe it’s the best way to live, and work.
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Research shows there is power in building a network. Those who actively network get more jobs, opportunities, industry knowledge, and respect. That makes it a valuable skill and crucial to growing your vending company. With that being said, networking looks different today than in the past. In fact, it can happen in many ways, including social media, trade shows, cold calling, or in-person meetings.
But what is networking, exactly? And how can you do it well? Read on to find out.
What is Networking?
To put it simply, it means talking to people. For instance, you might talk to them about trends or breakroom ideas. At other times you might talk about your services and how they fit their needs. This is the best kind of networking because it adds value to both people.
What Does Building a Network Look Like?
It’s no surprise that networking can take place anywhere. However, building it with other vending operators and industry members will likely take place at a tradeshow, a community event, or a seminar. Think mingling during happy hour at conferences or talking to your dinner neighbor at a sponsored event. It can also happen at educational seminars. Showing genuine interest in what the presenters have to offer is sure to leave a lasting impression. Plus, it opens the door to chatting with them and getting their contact information.
Don’t forget about posting and commenting on social media platforms. Yes, it’s a new(er) yet vital place to connect with people. For some, it’s preferred. According to Novorésumé, 40% of people would rather network online. So, get out there and post!
What are the Benefits?
Networking is good for your reputation. How, might you ask? First, it adds to your business profile, leading others to see you as well-informed. On the flip side, it can help you gain industry knowledge. For example, you might learn new solutions that enhance your vending services.
Additionally, every connection you make will “humanize” your company. People like to do business with other people, not companies. Therefore, your connections to people can lead directly to new customers and more prospects. It’s also a way to showcase your brand and boost loyalty. That ultimately helps you can gain referrals and drive-up sales!
Network Often, Everywhere, to Win
In summary, networking is a must to grow your vending business naturally. Don’t wait. Start building your vending network now and reap the rewards.
Want some help with online networking? VendCentral has digital sales and marketing experts ready to assist. Our team specializes in the vending, micro-market, pantry, and office coffee service industry to help you grow sales. Contact us today at info@vendcentral.com or (866) 699-8363.
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Your website’s About Us page is the place to share your vending company’s story. Why is that important? Because a good story can sell your vending services to customers. In particular, you want prospective breakroom customers to feel good about hiring you and buying your breakroom products.
An impactful About Us page will showcase the unique attributes of your vending business. It should have personality and represent your company’s values. The text should inspire confidence in the services you are offering. The page should resonate with the reader and make them feel good about entering into a business relationship with you. For many vending services companies, achieving the right tone and content can be difficult. Fear not. Vendcentral can help. Read on for our best About Us page tips.
The About Us needs a beginning
Start your About Us page with how and why your vending business began. Was it a family business now in the third generation? Did your vending services company grow out of a different business? Was it first started out of a desire to fulfill a specific customer or community need? Whatever the origin of your vending business story, let it be front and center.
What makes you special
Part of a good About Us page is its uniqueness. Therefore, include what makes your vending services company different from your competitor. Is it the diverse group of people that contribute to your team? Is it the family environment you create in your workplace? Have members of your company been recognized for their contributions to the vending industry? Perhaps it is your unique relationship with local providers. Put whatever makes your company different here.
Workplace values
Another About Us page must is stating your company values. What mantras do your employees embrace? Is it customer service, attention to detail, hard work, quick solutions, or integrity? Mention them. Aim for 3 to 5, not a long list that captures every value in the dictionary. Why? Because a long list will ring false. Plus, you don’t need all of them. Let’s say someone sees a company that promotes Family Values, Integrity, and Grit. That person doesn’t assume there won’t be good customer service because it wasn’t mentioned.

Why you are a great place to work
It’s not just decision-makers who read About Us pages. Potential employees do too! The About Us page will show them what your company stands for, how you care for your employees, and what your business culture is like. A well-crafted About Us page can make your company very attractive to valuable new talent.
Personal, yet professional tone
Finding the right tone can be difficult. In vending marketing, it is important to be friendly and upbeat, yet professional. Aim for positive stories and avoid too much vending or business jargon on this page.
Short and sweet
It can be difficult to determine which details to include on the About Us page. This is especially true if your company has been in business for many years. Your company’s milestones may help guide your way. Highlight important company growth and acquisitions and the people and passions that make your company thrive. Your goal is to make it a cohesive and well-rounded story.
Community and volunteer endeavors
People will like to hear how your company gives back to your community. Include community support and volunteer efforts, whether it is initiatives your company takes on as a whole or individual pursuits by your employees. These can be supported with pictures to bring an extra special touch to your page.
Tell the occasional anecdote
As you consider what should be on your About Us page, make sure to include anecdotes. Short, humorous stories or personal reflections from your team will stick in people’s minds. This will make your vending services company more real and memorable.
It might surprise you how many people visit the About Us page. Because of its popularity and importance, we consider it an essential part of a great vending website! Have a few people read your About Us page before publishing it be sure it flows well, is free of errors, and properly reflects your company and your team. If you want help creating a vending website with a great About Us page contact VendCentral. We build vending websites that generate leads and impress customers!
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